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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. Available for trade. Brand new, never been played. Mark Allen - Trancentral Five - A Sonic Inittiation (2xCD, mixed, 1996) http://www.discogs.com/Mark-Allen-Trancentral-Five-A-Sonic-Initiation/release/553356 A slight note, it´s not the release from Kickin Records. It´s the swedish release from Borderline Records.
  2. Perfect trade with a perfect trader :posford:
  3. First trade and I can just say what all others already have said.......CDs in perfect condition. Secure shipping and VERY friendly and helpful. 10 out of 10 points :posford:
  4. :clapping: Oforia Feat. Bwicked - Return Of The Machines EP (near mint) *GONE* Various - Goa Trancendental - A Psychedelic Sojourn (some scratches) *GONE* Various - Psy-Harmonics Vol. 2: Dancing To The Sound Of The Sun (near mint) *GONE* Prana - Geomantik (near mint) *GONE* Ra - To Sirius (near mint) *GONE* Sandman - Witchcraft (near mint) Various - Digital Alchemy (near mint) Various - Boyd In The Void (near mint) Various - Trance Pioneers 2 (4 CDs, near mint) G.M.S - Top Of The TIPs 94 - 98 (near mint) *GONE*
  5. Still available......
  6. One more great trade. 10 out of 10 points :posford:
  7. Available for trade. Very good condition. http://www.discogs.com/release/43046
  8. A couple of 12" available for trade. L.S.C / Wood Dragons - Big Brain / Occam's Razor (Psychic Deli) Laughing Buddha - Astral Traveller / Acid Rain (Transient) Mindfield - Solid State E.P. (Phantasm) Satori - Back To Earth E.P. (Matsuri) V/A - Fill Your Head With Phantasm (Phantasm) Total Eclipse - Waiting For A New Life (TIP) Test pressing in plain black sleeve
  9. PM !
  10. For me its this beauty: Laughing Buddha - Infinite Depths Heard it on Goa Vibes 3 back in 96 and feel in love instantly. It´s pure GOA if you ask me.
  11. One more trade, more positive words. 10/10 points from the swedish jury. :posford:
  12. More good words about Martin, got TRANSWAVE-BACKFIRE from him and the CD was in MINT condition. Great, friendly trader.
  13. Great compliation released 2000 on Atomic Records. VG condition on both vinyls and sleeve. Will ship worldwide. http://www.discogs.com/release/93837 My wantlist on discogs contains only 12" but a CD (or 2) will also be perfect as a trade. http://www.discogs.com/wantlist?user=Blindman
  14. I´ve been listening to it at least once a day during the last week and it´s awesome :clapping: 2 and half hours of pure joy, more of the same.......pleeeeeeeeeease
  15. One more trade with SkeletonMan. I got 2 vinyls from him and the shipment was FAST and the 12"s were in perfect condition. Great trader from wonderful Copenhagen
  16. First trade with damon and everything worked out PERFECT. Fast delivery and CDs in MINT condition. :posford:
  17. Gone :posford:
  18. Open for all kind of offers :drama:
  19. Updated with some new stuff :clapping:
  20. First trade with Christoph who goes under name NextWorld and I´m more then satisfied. Got a bunch vinyls and they were carefully packed and in great condition. Looking forward for more trades. :posford:
  21. First trade with Daniel. Fast delivery and secure packaging from a very nice trader. 10 points !
  22. Still searching for vinyls.....
  23. Downloading at the moment, tracklist looks promising :posford:
  24. PM sent.
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