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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. One more perfect trade with my favourite danish neighbour
  2. PM sent....
  3. 7 CDs added today, check them out brothers and sisters......
  4. Psyolopher wrote: Same here, great set !!
  5. Feedback-thread created
  6. First trade with Christophe from France and everything worked perfect. Fast delivery and secure packaging. CDs in perfect condition. Highly recommended trader. Welcome to Psynews Christophe
  7. Infected Goa is highly trustable, did a trade with him and my discs arrived today, mint condition and fast delivery.
  8. 2 more CDs today, thanks to the probably very hansom man from Brisbane with the username "technosomy" - V/A - Future Sound Masters (Tip New World) http://www.discogs.com/release/601851 - V/A - God Save The Machine (Tip World) http://www.discogs.com/release/681371 Motha fuckin´ full on I just love it
  9. Fourth trade with Pat and as usual everything worked perfect. He´s a PRO when it comes to trading, the discs were in MINT condition (I´m slightly ashamed that I missed to leave feedback regarding our third trade some months ago but that one was as smooth as usual)
  10. Got hold of these 2 today. Gabriel Le Mar - Hear And Now (Spirit Zone) Was pleasantly surprised by this one, it sort of takes you on a journey from basic psy to ambient and downtempo stuff. http://www.discogs.com/release/35802 Imago - The Spirit Dance (DanceBeat Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/337437 Nice old-school Goa from -97, discogs claims this is a release by the polish Tromesa-boys but that´s wrong, IMAGO are 2 swedish guys.
  11. I have this progressive masterpeice available for trade, still sealed. http://www.discogs.com/release/242947 I´m open for all kinds of offers, just howl....
  12. Slight update.......
  13. Goa Classix vol. 2 with trax like Pleiadians - Alcyone, CHI AD - The Flame Of Eternal Life, Shakta- Spiritual Beings In Psysical Bodies and Green Nuns Of The Rev - Ring Of Fire and it´s just SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD I haven´t listened to any "old" stuff during the last year but that´s gonna change immediately
  14. The CD is now gone, it´s on it´s way to Australia.......
  15. I have this classic release from Flying Rhino available for trade if anyone wants it. http://www.discogs.com/release/3726 Great condition by the way. Will trade it for some new stuff from 2005 or 2006
  16. Ringo


    First trade with Bert and everything worked perfect. Highly recomended trader
  17. Some heavy shit added today........Catcher (V/A), 3 Point Turn and The Delta.
  18. Ringo is Blindman or maybe Blindman is Ringo http://www.discogs.com/collection?user=Blindman
  19. I agree, that track is just amazing, in fact the whole live-set is amazing. Tegma is Killargh !!!!
  20. 3 more compilations added today, Order Odonata 4, Re:Evolution and Under Construction. All 3 in near mint condition.
  21. 2 new items added. Absolum - Wild and Destination Goa 8
  22. Picked up a package yesterday with these goodies: V/A - World Techno Alliance (ZMA Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/150901 V/A - Ectoplasma (Iboga Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/399462 Tromesa - Pseudomental (Spiral Trax) http://www.discogs.com/release/35083 V/A - Order Odonata 4 (Dragonfly) http://www.discogs.com/release/36162 V/A - Destination Goa vol. 8 (Why Not Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/123586 V/A - Under Construction (MDMA Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/124339 V/A - Black Rhino (Flying Rhino Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/3726 Oforia - Off The Ground (NMC Music) http://www.discogs.com/release/205753
  23. I got all 22 CDs for 1219 SEK including postage, that is about 129 Euro. 129 divided into 22 is about 5.86 Euro per CD with postage included. I´m happy
  24. Picked up a package at my local postoffice with the following CDs..... - V/A - Another Life... (Yoyo Records) - V/A - Demented (Twisted Records) - V/A - Footprints (Digital Structures) - V/A - Monarchie (ZMA Records) - V/A - Monarchie II (ZMA Records) - V/A - Plug In (MDMA Records) - V/A - Re:evolution (2xCD, Flying Rhino Records) - V/A - Stereoide (Medium Records) - V/A - Z.M.A.RT - (ZMA Records) - 3.Turn - Explicit (Hadshot) - Absolum - Wild (TIP.World) - Altöm - Hologram (Neurobiotics Records) - Gaudium - Nordic Nature (Spiral Trax) - GMS - The Growly Family (TIP Records) - Miraculix - Detonator (Alchemy Records) - Quadra - Digital Stimulant (BooM! Records) - Tegma - Encoded/Decoded (Digital Structures) - Schlabbaduerst # 1 - Schlabbaduerst # 2 - Schlabbaduerst # 3 - Schlabbaduerst # 4 - Schlabbaduerst # 5
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