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Everything posted by cgranber

  1. YES! YES!! YES!!!
  2. stuff i've wasted money on... - AMD 2800+ / 1024MB RAM - Propellerhead Reason 2.5 / Cubase SX2 - TC Powercore Element (with additional plugins) - Access Virus Powercore - Behringer Eurorack 1204 Pro Mixer - Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro Studio Headset - E-MU 1212m and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 soundcards (planning to get a RME HDSP 9632 though) - M-Audio Radium Keystation 61 - Roland SH-32 (for drums...) - Novation Bass-Station / V-Station - Native Instruments FM7 / PRO-53 / Kompakt / Battery - Waves Diamond Bundle and TC Native Bundle - Various sample cds from Spectrasonics...
  3. ambient: excess head - strange thing goa: hallucinogen - angelic particles morning: astral projection - liquid sun full-on: astrix - scientific reality progressive: infected mushroom - psycho other: astral projection - power gen (somewhere in nowhere rmx) just plain evil: dunno...
  4. The In The Mix album is totally different from this album in that it has only two remixes by other artists. One by domestic, which is actually very good, and the other by Cass & Slide... so, yes the album is indeed very nice blended with all the different AP remixes
  5. i read that too... he also said he didn't use the synths and fx very much, but mostly sampled stuff looped and played through dr.rex
  6. nice input, please post more interesting stuff k thx:)
  7. spectrasonics distorted reality and bizzare guitar... delirious/astrix/alien project seem to have used these in almost every track they've made so far... metamorphosis is also pretty good:) you can get all the cds in akai, giga and cd audio format. www.spectrasonics.net
  8. As far as i know both SynSun and Shiva Chandra uses Reason a LOT in their tracks, and u can actually tell the sound is coming from the subtractor, malström etc... They also use a few elab samples from the factory soundbank. Shiva's sound is nicely blended and layered, but SynSun sounds too much "Reason" for my taste. The overused nn19 sampled strings from the factory soundbank is very easy to recon.. just check out their latest work and u will hear! btw, i even have a .rps file that SynSun made a few years ago. If my memory serves me well i think it was SynSun who did the music for a demo called "604" in the pc demo scene once... it was an astral styled trance track made with Reason.. believe it or not
  9. and what kind of stabby sound is that?
  10. you can make trance with almost any synth if u just know how to work with it Synths from novation, access and clavia are basics in almost any trance setup these days.. i love the supernova2, virus c and nordlead2. ms2000 from korg and and waldorf q/wave is also nice.
  11. a very easy way of learning how to program sounds is listening to your favorite track and try to reproduce some of the sounds u like. it might sound very boring and i would never go as far as releasing any of the stuff i try to reproduce, but it's a great way of learning how to program different types of sounds... this way, u will always have your own personal touch to the sound as u didn't just use a preset patch..
  12. it just works
  13. dunno, just got an E-MU 1212M card.. very good, but most of all ZERO LATENCY and its own dsp card built in. runs smoothly together with my TC POCO it's pretty cheap too.. or u could get a decent card from RME. if u can afford it though, i'd recommend a card from LYNX, it's like driving a rolls royce whatever suits your needs
  14. cool, the samples are great btw.
  15. already have that site in my bookmarks k thx, cool site though
  16. I don't think Manuel will be very happy if you read him.. he does not like to be read. HINT, read Dictionary, he's friendly, much wiser and he has way better vocabulary than Manuel...
  17. sounds to me like u're trying to run the stand-alone version of fm7 together with cubase...?! u need to run fm7 as a vsti within cubase to record stuff
  18. link?
  19. OMG there is a second album???
  20. yeah, and MFG was a clone of AP so what's up? They fell in love with their style and copied it, just a bit more progressive imo... copy, paste.. we've all done it one way or another.
  21. well, he's got talent.. i think ido, tamir and eyal had too much influence on the eye to eye album though. Only three tracks made by astrix on his own does not qualify as an artist album, it should have been a compilation, hehe wonder how the artcore album will be like though... if it's too much "coolio" trance then i will be dissapointed anyway, the chillout track rhythmos he made with lior miller on global psychedelic chill out compilation 4 is pretty good imo. and the more ambient track freestyle cafe is also pretty cool. would like to hear more of this stuff
  22. yes, i know... it's very simple
  23. NO! this is not a warezone, go somewhere else. btw u need a poco to run the virus plugin http://www.tcelectronic.com/Virus
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