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Mergi last won the day on March 23 2022

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About Mergi

  • Birthday 08/06/1984

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  1. About Bible Of Dreams reissue from JR. Very likely this will be regular sleeve as it is only 2 records. The original from Blue Room Released is 3xLP which has the magnetic clamp on gatefold. I'm going to keep my eyes open for the original release rather than the reissue as we don't even know if it will contain all the tracks or might be edited. I found Beyond The Infinite 4xLP not too long ago, amazing stuff these ones on Blue Room.
  2. Don't know why Logic Bomb would shoot themselves in the foot like that (but big names do strange things, echospace [detroit] biggest dub techno label out there went MIA for about 3-4 years, wether things has started sorting itself out is anyones guess). Obviously now is christmas holidays too so nothing is probably going to happen until mid-january at the earliest. Luckily I have the original vinyl pressing on TIP.W. so didn't go for the repress. Don't know if I would've at that price though! But this is a shifting market and we're not dealing with regulated businesses anymore. I think that the legal aspects of human to human trade is more up for interpretation in that merchants are now living breathing human beings with everything that comes with it, instead of heavily regulated businesses with paid employees, in that the pressing and putting out music might actually in some cases be put on hold indefinitely. And anything can happen at any time. Every purchase that I make, I know is essentially just a leap of faith! In general I want to keep buying the music, but with all the uncertainty and no information coming with bandcamp and private sellers, my buying motivation is getting a little hard to keep up... I bought a lot more music when there was actually shops around who was actually into selling CDs and vinyl.
  3. It is an amazing piece of work both repress and the live tracks! and awesome artwork to go with the music. Yes it is same mergi on the cover as here I think I got a bit of a mention on the etnica live LP too. I'm happy the shipping has worked out so far! I'm always super nervous before the package has arrived.
  4. Check DMs just sent you a message!
  5. I have a few copies of the regular black still but the others are now gone. So, those who have shown interest but slept on it will have to go with that.
  6. @Magus Knight I don't think there was any poster going with the DAT Records vinyl releases unfortunately. But I remember when some of the covers broke for the Etnica Live LP that draeke sent extra covers to replace the damaged ones. Which means that you could essentially put the damaged covers up on the walls and use as "posters" if you felt like it. I still have like 3 extra covers of the Etnica release which I've yet to put up but I think they would absolutely look amazing folded out and framed on the wall. In regards to turntables, you are missing out and with a little bit of research it doesn't need to be an expensive endeavour! My setup is very cheap budget wise, I think my speakers are some really simple ones I scavenged from an earlier multimedia all in one stereo and before I got technics 1200 TT I used for very long and was really happy with my 150 dollar belt drive turntable, which I actually gave away to a friend who is still using it after almost a decade. My amp is just a regular one and I think is the same price as my earlier turntable at 150 dollars.
  7. So, I've gotten 2 interested buyers who've seemingly disappeared but lurking in the forums still. If you see this please check your DMs. @Agneton there's still copies left of all variants, check your DM as I have responded to your inquiry there! @sidetrakkt your inquiry of 2 galaxy copies from a year back and my offer in your DMs are still good to go. If you see this check your DM!
  8. Hello! It is time for me to try and get rid of my spare copies I have. Prices are as below Galaxy Version = 100 euros Red+Black Transparent = 90 euros Regular = 80 euros Shipping with tracking is included in the prices and it is a set price for everywhere... yes, I'm lazy If you are in Stockholm, probably we could negotiate a different price and personal pick up... but these are the prices that is standing right now. If I read the prices on discogs correctly what you are looking at here is a bargain I have a few copies of each variant and I have taken off the plastic wrap to be able to keep track of how many I have of each variant otherwise they are completely unplayed. PM me and we'll sort things out, prefered payment method is PayPal for me.
  9. I tend to come back to this one all the time for some reason...
  10. Rupert Parkes is one of my favorite DnB producers. His mid 90s productions are amazing stuff. Source Direct is also amazing and came out of the same area and labels in the UK
  11. I still have several copies of all the variants of the Pleiadians - IFO 4xLP for sale so if anyone is interested just PM me and we'll sort it out. 60 euros for galaxy and 50 euros for the 2 other variants + shipping. Don't pay any of the prices on discogs, way too expensive.
  12. I could obviously go check out my old reviews and cringe a little but I think most of it actually still is holding up for me. My taste has broadened more than it has shifted and I feel that the things I started discovering 20 years ago Goa and Psytrance wise is still very much stuff that keeps popping up in my playlists and also that I keep looking for as real physical copies. I still do buy the old school vinyl and CDs when I find them but I've got quite a bit now so not as desperate as I was before
  13. Hello KER! I had completely forgotten I had donated to this project (600 NOK 11th of august), I have received no further information about it (300NOK or more is, according to given information, valid for a copy of the release when released)... is the following information given in the preorder/crowdfunding link still current or is it void and I need to purchase a copy through the bandcamp link? HOW TO PRE-ORDER / SUPPORT: 300 Norwegian Kroner or more includes shipping and Download of the VA. We'll contact you through mail when time is ready. No worries. You can reach us on kaliearthrecords@gmail.com which is also PayPal direct payment. 700kr or more will give you 3 copies. Less than 300,- is considered a pure donation. Thank you: Any amount is cool. Donations given outside this PayPal pool will be added to it by KER The worldwide official release date will be on the end of December 2019.
  14. October 7, 2001 I was in another thread just like this one, but I guess I can throw myself into this one too. In one month it is 18 years of psynews for me. Time simply never seizes to tick now does it.
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