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Everything posted by Mergi

  1. OK! OK! Fine! I pretty much know what you are getting at. Hopefully! Don't stop arguing! As long as you do it constructivly (however that is spelled!) (which you do Rotwang!). So... ---> If members could step down the "trolling radi" shit <--- maybe you'll have a little less drama off topic threads...
  2. DJ Frankie Bones frequented the discogs (www.discogs.com) forums and seriously made a mess out of everyone of those visits.
  3. and Procyon for that matter...
  4. As far as I know Elysium was a fine guy producing good music... This is now looking like a "fnarkiebones-thread" on discogs. Shit! Where-ever did aliendna go?
  5. I'm slightly drunk so... I'm going to hit my glass with another thumb of Lagavulin...
  6. In my own case... I vent, I fuck things up, I dislike things and have opinions. I change my mind when people reason with me in forthward manner. The difference here is that members are taking advantage of radi's own disadvantage, they don't want to reason with him... "it's more fun to poke fun of him and have him open drama-threads in off-topic".
  7. This is seriously getting out of hand... Could possibly both sides tread slightly less militantly? While radi is certainly stepping precariously close to disrespectfulness, I'm sure he doesn't (as of my own experience here) mean any harm! Though I do see a bunch of "trolling" from the community here to get him closer to the edge, hence the abundance of "please don't hate/be respectful"-posts from the alleged member. Could we honestly just agree on getting along? Work on getting along? And certainly help members to understand where things go wrong instead of harrasing them?
  8. poptrance can't get better!
  9. "don't call me crazy OK!!! I'm not crazy. You are crazy!!" fuck! I love that video
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKmhlA2S2KU fuck me! the 90s... the fuckin' 90s!
  11. it is still monday, help me remedy it! In honor of alienDNA... and whatever eternity aliases he carries!
  12. How do you consume? Probably that's a better question, no? The only way to consume in the 80s and early 90s was to walk into a physical store and actually buy something with physical money. But now we want free art (music, paintings, experiences), and when we really want it we become involved and donate. I would love to just abolish the economic factor when it comes to art and freedom (sorry for being exceptionally broad in the Goa forum) mainly because money and capitalism generates a most harmful environment for such a humane endeavour. http://www.discogs.com/Dimension-5-TransStellar/release/4294284 This one I want to buy! But how? I don't do PayPal, never ever! Master 'noebis please hellp! That it has all boiled down to precuring records from a _specific_ person is to me totally out of this world. I did not have a clue it would all end up at this point. I always thought things would be distributed either physically or online. Of course I have no problem adapting, as long as it doesn't fuck me literally in the ass... like PayPal, or like eBay or like amazon or like any other middlehand geezers. I like doing my business with people I know I can trust. <posts merged by RTP -- comment: Mergi, please try to edit instead of making new posts, especially when it's, like, 5 in a row...>
  13. wait... what the fuck... that's 13 years ago. shit!
  14. proper progressive house
  15. Chase The Sun is and will be my favorite track from these guys. At least it sounds like they're having a good time!
  16. Getting drunk on my last really really bad whisky... trying to do it with soda and it's way better as a drink. Got an unopened Lagavulin just waiting to be gettin' some luvin'... that one I know is good for the spirit. Sweet neue sunday... oh fuck it's monday...
  17. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php/topic/30895-the-collected-discogs-accounts-of-psynews-members/?p=414557 DP collecting the collectors at discogs.
  18. My collection is way way meager, I can count the records going for a 100 euros on one hand. But I'm very happy I got the two first Shpongle albums on vinyl, which Are You Shpongle is a silver #797.
  19. New day new gem. Whoever posted this in the VideoGame OST topic (yes! I'm way too lazy to use the search function), I'm in your eternal depth. I could probably have this one on repeat forever. edit 1: should be *debt (but ''depth'' looks better)
  20. Well not electronic, but shit! This stuff certainly got some groove goin'.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy1BTQC0gfQ
  22. I think Devic Craft Cordings dabbled a bit... before they went out. Scozbor ( http://www.discogs.com/Scozbor-Scozbor/release/230538 ) And I think two tracks from Clairaudience ( http://www.discogs.com/Various-Clairaudience/release/89464 )... Though it was quite some time since I listened and I remember them being very noisy and odd, but I might be mistaken.
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