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Everything posted by fractalic

  1. Just wanted to announce the new girls collection... here are some images... thanks. enjoy... visit our fractal shop ---->>>
  2. thanks allot .... all the best...
  3. fantastic! i love the dreamy atmosphere, reminds me of my dmt experience..... i must check out this program thanks for the info!
  4. nice work man!!!
  5. oooooooozoooooooooraaaaaaaaaaaaa you are the best.... thank you for being there
  6. hello to all you are welcome to check out my new fractal based psychedelic t-shirts. its a new line i have just designed and printed. designs are genereted with fractal prog and then worked on some more with p.s... my guide line was that there are so many t-shirts with just a small center print, but so less t-shirts with all over prints. i was thinking to make it full on designs that can not be ignored on the dance floor or anywhere... would love to get your responses about it . hope you like it....... cheers and great day check out more... http://fractalicdesign.com/psychedelic/ ">
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