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Everything posted by zee_werp

  1. Bump...someones gotta know this? Yes a crappy sample I know
  2. This party should be fuckin' sweeeet. It is summer time here in NZ now so it'll be a nice lot of camping in the outdoors. The location, Takaka Hill, is a legendary spot, there have been many significant parties happen there...its like a spiritual mecca for southern hemisphere partygoers. Now the organisers from various current and past crews, including Gathering, Full Circle, M*A*S*S*I*V*E, Visionz, Stardust, and others, are teaming up to put on this event. If you are going to be in NZ at this time I would reccomend to check it out. Can't go wrong mate!! www.canaanuprising.co.nz
  3. Hi all... I have heard this track a lot of times at psy trance doofs. It is somewhat of an anthem I guess. I've also heard at least 1 remix of it. Anyway I don't know the name or the artist even though it's probably someone really obvious (a little out of the loop right now)... I've made a really crappy rendition of the main riff, that is not exactly what it sounds like but hopefully enough to trigger some ideas. Please click on the link and let me know if you recognise this. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MQAOEEIQ
  4. Oh I just noticed that the only difference of the Evolution 461 vs my 449 is the number of keys has one more octave, and theres 3 or 4 more assignable turning knobs. Personally I find the 4 octaves to be plenty, and I have never yet assigned every single knob in a track so if price is an issue the 449c would probably be just as good.
  5. Hello peoples, I am needing to get some practice with mixing some tunes. I know how to use real decks and stuff, but I don't have access to those all the time but I still want to figure out which of my tracks blend well together etc. So I need a software 'virtual mixer and turntables', something simple that I can rip my CD's onto my computer then use the wavs or MP3's to mix. I tried downloading one once but it was a piece of shit, totally sucked. So I'm just wondering if any of you know of one that is actually decent, preferably freeware or one with a decent demo period. Cheers!! -Zee
  6. I've got the Evolution 449C and it is fuckin sweet, so I think that one you have there of the evloution would be even better. Its USB connected and it is also powered via the USB, so its super easy to set up and recognises itself immediatley - plug and play! And its real easy to assign the sliders and knobs to things in your programs, like synth settings etc. But yeah all of those look pretty good. MIDI controlers are the shit!!
  7. Hi guys and girls I am getting into the more chilled out side of psychedelic tunes. Lately I have been collecting some stuff which is pretty sweet, artists like Bluetech, Waterjuice, some Aphex Twin, Pan Sonic, etc. I enjoy this stuff, but I'm looking for more. I've seen the 'chill reccomendation' posts here and checked out some of the artists, but I've found that a lot of the artists reccomended are along the lines of Shpongle, Bluetech etc. which are surely talented artists, but I'm looking for something different. A lot of the common chill artists have a typical bubbly, synthy, 'trippy' sound, and a lot of them use the same bass sounds. What I am looking for is stuff that is simple but complex at the same time. I mean its structure is not over filled with notes, but it is something that sounds interesting and catches your attention. I like music that focuses a lot on having interesting tones / frequencies, nice resonance etc. that gets built into a tune. Basically I'm just looking for some chill thats not the typical bubbly chill sound thats around at the moment. I'm especially interested in hearing some stuff with real instruments in it, or instrument / synth mix, but purely synth is ok too. Any reccomendations would be greatly appreciated!!! Or if you know of any sites with forums that are more about psychedelc ambient music, let me know. Thanks~!!!!
  8. Is it not a bad idea to DJ MP3's? I thought they were inferior sound quality. PS I am downloading one of the tracks now I'll let ya know what I think when its done! (Slow connection)
  9. Everyone does it differently, and even the same person will do it differently on different occasions! Also each part of a song will be made in a different way a lot of the time. I think this question is a little broad...maybe someone will have a better answer for you you though
  10. Thanks a lot for the input! Yeah, I already learned chords a couple of months ago, drew up some charts with them that I look at from time to time. Its all good to know!!!
  11. Mate, that track is fuckin sweeeeet!!! I'd say its my favourite one I've downloaded so far off this site...not that I download all of them due to slow connection speeds I find the track really lively, with a nice collection of different sounds. Good work Highlights would have to be the intro (good ambience), and I think the introduction of the kick is a successful manouver. I agree that some parts of it are not as original as others, but overall its a great track I would be proud of! No one is without their influences
  12. Thanks guys, I'll go do some reading through google... But just to clarify...say if a song was in 'C', does that mean that each note of a melody etc. is a note from the C scale? This whole business of making music just gets more and more complex just when I think I'm getting the hang of it theres another huge thing to learn! Oh well I guess it's all about persistence...keep on truckin!
  13. Hey all, I've heard a few times people talking about a song being in a certain key. What does this mean? And how do I make a song in a certain key? Is it to do with scales, chords, or what? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  14. Yes, there is a LOT of psy on vinyl!!! Psyshop.com has many many titles, and pretty cheap too!! Best to order a few at once though, so you get your moneys worth with shipping.
  15. Ah yes, I will give that a shot, though it will be tedious!! Still, I would love to know if anyone can tell me how to make automation for a whole pattern (volume, pan etc) rather than just for each seperate channel.
  16. Hey all I've just been making some loops and beats in FL studio 5, and I noticed that when I was flicking between them while in 'loop' play mode rather than 'song' play mode, that it sounded really cool. I am wondering, how do I use just a part of a loop in the playlist, rather than the entire thing? So that I could have them switching between each other without doing it manually. I was thinking it would either involve clipping the actual loop to the sections I wanted, or else adding some kind of volume control automation to each pattern. Can anyone tell me how to do one of those things, or maybe something else that would work?
  17. Ah yes... None of that stuff was in the manual for the keyboard but after some digging through the FLstudio manual I figured out how to do it, gonna check the reason manual now.
  18. Hi all I just purchased a M-Audio Evolution MK449C midi keyboard. It has about 30 assignable controllers as well as the keys (10 buttons, 9 sliders and 8 knobs). I am just wondering, how do I assign those controllers to different things, in say FL studio, Reason etc. Any help I would really appreciate!! Cheers, Zee
  19. Thanks guys - I'm looking forward to hearing some more chilled out stuff as well as the full on And to the dude who asked what is a psychedelic beat, well yes I realise it is a vauge description, but basically I meant a piece of music that has a psychedelic feel to it (nice clear sounds, strong tones, crazy arrangements / noises, something that generally 'enters your mind') but something that still has a beat to it as opposed to say classical music which doesn't have a beat most of the time if you know what I mean.
  20. Didn't see any suggestions from you anyway cinos. Hey do any of you know some stuff that sounds the more dub end of the spectrum, with a more 'acoustic' sound but still electronic? This one really sweet track I heard had a nice solid bass element, but then went right up to the airy-faries with some cool flute sounds mixed in, very nice. I am loving these reccomendations, I will be busy listening to audio samples on psyshop etc. for the next little while!
  21. Hey all, Was just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction that had all the different chords and scales written out or in a chart or something, so that I can incorporate these into my music...I figured it'd be a lot easier than guesswork of 'ooh that sounds bad...ok that sounds good'. Any help appreciated!!
  22. Thanks for the suggestions so far dudes, I'll be sure to check those out. Will probably have to order some stuff off the net cause the record stores down here are pretty bad. I'm well and truly familiar with Pitch Black though, they are local here, saw them live just the other week - AMAZING! Those guys know how to fuck with tones...it almost seemed like their live set became less about the beat arrangements and more about the tonal frequencies and harmonies vibrating through your body, it was pretty sweet. Keep the reccomendations coming guys, I really appreciate it!!
  23. Hey all, The other night I went to a friends place and some dude was playing some really nice music, it was slower and more downbeat than psy, but it still had a similar effect on my mind. It was kind of dubby, and some techno sort of stuff too. Basically a lot of nice sounds and tones creating textures and feelings within you but not full on. Maybe thats what you guys call chill? I dunno. The other day I got Bluetech - Prima Materia and I really like that. Can any of you reccomend some nice, psychedelic kind of beats that are more downbeat than full on psy? I am looking for stuff with little or no vocals, nice rich sounds, organic / unpredictable kind of tracks, and I like it with a dark edge to it sometimes too. Any reccomendations would be awesome!!!
  24. Bummer... So what would be a good way for me to use other VST's in conjunction with tracks from reason? I am still an amatuer with this stuff, any links to a tutorial website or something would be cool...I've heard 'rewire' mentioned around the place, can I rewire reason to another program that allows other VSTi's?
  25. Hey people, I've just started using Reason 2.5, and I am wondering, are those built in synths all I can use, or can I use other VSTs as well? I have quite a few that I have been using in FL studio but now I want to use them in reason and I can't figure out how. Looked through the user guides that come with reason and didnt see a mention of doing this. Can anyone help?
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