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Jikkenteki last won the day on November 2 2023

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About Jikkenteki

  • Birthday 07/17/1973

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  1. Rarely post anymore but I still surf through every once in awhile.
  2. Amen!!!
  3. For psy related acts, it’s easy. Juno Reactor, Shango tour in Osaka. Uni opened and they really brought it as well.
  4. I’ve got something brewing, although it’s a long ways out still…. :-P
  5. MP3.com is more likely 20 years. I got my start on there as well, although Analog Pussy was already an established act at the point. Even Infected Mushroom were on pretty active on there (among others).
  6. Old Dark Soho or even Xenomorph perhaps? As an aside, I was (am?) actually a metal musician first before I got into the electronic world and think it always permeated my own music, especially the last album. Jikkenteki 4 is actually turning into my first attempt to actually blend the two together, although it will be awhile before it’s ready. I might also suggest looking into drum n bass. I am still stuck in the old school stuff for the most part, but I can see metal heads with electronic interests liking artists like Gridlok.
  7. Quick note that a collection of all my compilation released tracks has just been put up here. In addition, the majority of the unreleased remixes made for a planned, but eventually abandoned remix album has also been included as well, so there is some "new" music in there too. Check it out at https://jikkenteki.bandcamp.com/album/comp-iled
  8. Part three of the "Jikkenteki Origins" series, the album "Ex-Para-Mental" is now up. This album shows the change from using live gear and sequencers, etc, to using an actual computer and software to make the majority of the music. Literally these are THE first tracks I made on a computer, warts and all. https://jikkenteki.bandcamp.com/album/ex-para-mental
  9. Too old Matsuri Productions in a world of Classical Mushroom. Honestly at the time is was just making and recording tracks for fun in my college dorm room and didn’t really see much in “releasing” them beyond the small community of artists on mp3.com. I can listen to these now, 20 years later with some hindsight and appreciate them, but at the time they were far from the music I was envisioning in my head. If I had made these like 6 years earlier, who knows.
  10. https://jikkenteki.bandcamp.com/album/organic-perfections Part 2 of the “Jikkenteki Origins” series, Organic Imperfections, has been put up. Again we are still dealing with live performances sequenced on the fly with minimal gear, but overall a step or three up from the O.R.E. material. Feel free to check it out if interested.
  11. Actually there are two more between O.R.E. and Long Walk. I never really brought them up for a reason but someone managed to find O.R.E. and list it on Discogs so might as well complete the origin story, as it were.
  12. https://jikkenteki.bandcamp.com/album/o-r-e Your wish is my command. Rather embarrassing really, but was literally making this stuff while really how to make electronic music. There were only two or three tracks I had made previous to these so its no joke to say I was maybe 1 or 2 months into making electronic music here when these were made. Anyways, here they are warts and all. (The next two "albums" will follow in the next few days).
  13. Small update after digging through files today, the weird situation I find myself in is I have all the wav files but none of the art for the second and third albums worth of stuff (Organic Imperfections and Ex-Para-Mental) but none of the files for the artwork, while with the first one (O.R.E.) I have the artwork but none of the full quality audio files seem to have survived. I can remake a cover easily enough but O.R.E. might be destined to survive in less than full quality (not that the quality was super to begin with).
  14. The first two “albums” were totally old school in that they were all hardware, no computer and were actual performances as it were. I think I saw cd-R’s with the wave files recently but I’d have to look again.
  15. For the first three starting with O.R.E., putting them up is something I’ve been considering. They are very rough and old school compared to Long Walk and afterwards, but as a long view of the evolution of an artist they might be vaguely interesting. The real problem is I have no idea where the files for the artwork are anymore...
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