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Everything posted by glyphcult

  1. I like it so much!
  2. yes for psyheads like us!! but for the rest it's just sooo uneasy!!!lol^^
  3. OK many thx for the links lumpi, I've just tryed ordering a copy on darkpsyde & now i'm waiting for their confirmation! the durdom one yes, I got it & it's fucking crazy and nasty as always with the devils mind stuff greetings & see ya' glyph
  4. Hi everybody, I'm desesperatly looking for an original copy of this compilation: (link below) http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=2262 Devils mind records cd 001 "refused" it seems to be sold out on all the e-shops, if somebody wants to get rid of it, he (she) could make me an offer...anyway, your price is mine (but remember please: stay cool! ) send me a pm please thanks in advance!
  5. Yes, It's realy near to black/death metal sounds & feelings !!! in a way I see no difference at all...nasty and evil stuff!!! loads of Dark energy!!! I really love it... that way, go on guys I'm on your side for the third one!!! seeing no connection between metal & darkpsy??? death to false psytrance!!!
  6. well, I Love this album Highko rules from beginning to end even if he is using the same trick!!! One of the best psytrance producer around!!! ...Fuck this is crazy, insane, tense fast & hard the kind of stuff I do love!! Fasten your seat belt cos' it will kick some arss definitely!!! my fav since a long time!!! And for a long time too!!! and yeaaaahhhh BBQ with makies whaooooo!! never heard a track like that b4 in psychedelic trance!!!
  7. Nasssty!!! it's really a psychiatric hospital patient's album...! the music recorded here is really sick from beginning to end but I really like that!!! respect to zik, the madman!
  8. very nice lp sadly not so good to me as the derango's ghreg on earth's or Wizack Twizack's one!!
  9. frenchy psytrancey compilation ::: mechanik castle with neuromotor, hyperfrequencies,crazy lions cult etc...np/neuromotor:tears of fire!!!it fucking rocks!!!
  10. hiii dudes! Baphomet Engine::screams!!!! Yeeeeaaaah!!!
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