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Everything posted by vitali

  1. in fact Simon rocks, esp. younger brother project
  2. can i get my number 4040 back ?
  3. beat bizarre - a`quatet x 3 edit OMG ! Simon`s cult !
  4. out of full-on rinkadink is not bad
  5. yes esp. track creep cheeky naughty naughty
  6. people like.
  7. IM - Chaplin plz dont kick
  8. outside of what ?
  9. goblins, they are bad
  10. the more recollections are connected with the music - the more emotions it gives and new releases are mostly impersonal digital information.
  11. X-Dream - Rain pure nirvana
  12. Chillum Brothers - Joint Situation
  13. agree on this goa trance mixes are not so popular somehow, djs just do their work, mixing tracks on the party and then almost nobody will listen to the mix again. however techno mixes are much more popular, i often listen them probably because few new techno music is written. well probably im not right, im not an expert in this business.
  14. vitali


    and also XP and Dj Gabriel
  15. vitali


    yes Simon
  16. vitali


    does anybody still worship to the psy trance djs ?!
  17. right now reading Rain`s post I`ve got a flashback ok, offtopic. Rain, you`re a dj ?
  18. under consideration andromeda - the last temptation a major problem in australia [saafi brothers remix]
  19. Younger Brother, which rocks
  20. this is awesome ! np: total eclipse - diamond ring effect
  21. so nice
  22. texas faggott - early cry x 3
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