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HappyHorse last won the day on January 20 2023

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About HappyHorse

  • Birthday 06/23/1983

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  1. Goatrance =/= genre/sound, but an (electronic) avant garde musical state of mind 💕 😉 - with loads of funk, rock'n roll and sexy vibes... Could resist 😛
  2. Yes, 'erta ale' is an ancient volcanic lake in North-Africa We will continue on the same rough vibe, but the 2nd vol. will be diffrent, never expect it to be 100% the same. But we strive to collect over the year all unique sounding tracks: that's our trade mark <3
  3. Same here, that is why we will take many months the time to select. On the first edition I worked a year selecting music...
  4. Yes, after a decade of peace & quiet, 'Erta Alé' will be back: a psychedelic eruption is near, to celebrate its 10 year birthday!!! As the banner below implies, we are happy to accept your promo's & demo's, and listen what you've got to offer us
  5. GLOBOX - FLUMINA Here we are: after 3 years of hard work 'GLOBOX' has finished his album! It is a fresh approach to melodic goa trance, and with a unique blend of 303 and just raw dance floor power: yes! Induldge yourself into FLUMINA and let yourself surprised by its subtle though powerful soundscapes... Our Belgian wonder-boy of melodic goa trance Seppe Cruysberhs proved himself well to be a very talented musician, splendid producer and wonderful storyteller! ✈️ Enjoy the ride folks @ GLOBOX - FLUMINA
  6. GLOBOX - FLUMINA Here we are: after 3 years of hard work 'GLOBOX' has finished his album! It is a fresh approach to melodic goa trance, and with a unique blend of 303 and just raw dance floor power: yes! Induldge yourself into FLUMINA and let yourself surprised by its subtle though powerful soundscapes... Our Belgian wonder-boy of melodic goa trance Seppe Cruysberhs proved himself well to be a very talented musician, splendid producer and wonderful storyteller! ✈️ Enjoy the ride folks @ http://cronomi.bandcamp.com/album/flumina
  7. Just saying If you want 303, melodic and raw power, buy this for your Christmas
  8. Indeed, very nice & original - nice job on this! Artist of the art work deserves a compliment...
  9. Production and story telling value is still good: epic job mate!!!
  10. Album in the make - exactly for that reason
  11. This thursday 15/07: special 'Syb Unity Nettwerk' / 'UX' tracks played at radio show + interview about his 'Cronomi Records' releases... @ 'alpha.s crazy sounds'
  12. This release is what goatrance and psychedelic tekno should be: electronic rock'n roll - and I can't stress that enough!!!! Really, I can't!!!
  13. Indeed! We proposed to let him make an album sounding 100% like that - let's see what happens
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