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Everything posted by HappyHorse

  1. Goatrance =/= genre/sound, but an (electronic) avant garde musical state of mind 💕 😉 - with loads of funk, rock'n roll and sexy vibes... Could resist 😛
  2. Yes, 'erta ale' is an ancient volcanic lake in North-Africa We will continue on the same rough vibe, but the 2nd vol. will be diffrent, never expect it to be 100% the same. But we strive to collect over the year all unique sounding tracks: that's our trade mark <3
  3. Same here, that is why we will take many months the time to select. On the first edition I worked a year selecting music...
  4. Yes, after a decade of peace & quiet, 'Erta Alé' will be back: a psychedelic eruption is near, to celebrate its 10 year birthday!!! As the banner below implies, we are happy to accept your promo's & demo's, and listen what you've got to offer us
  5. GLOBOX - FLUMINA Here we are: after 3 years of hard work 'GLOBOX' has finished his album! It is a fresh approach to melodic goa trance, and with a unique blend of 303 and just raw dance floor power: yes! Induldge yourself into FLUMINA and let yourself surprised by its subtle though powerful soundscapes... Our Belgian wonder-boy of melodic goa trance Seppe Cruysberhs proved himself well to be a very talented musician, splendid producer and wonderful storyteller! ✈ Enjoy the ride folks @ GLOBOX - FLUMINA
  6. GLOBOX - FLUMINA Here we are: after 3 years of hard work 'GLOBOX' has finished his album! It is a fresh approach to melodic goa trance, and with a unique blend of 303 and just raw dance floor power: yes! Induldge yourself into FLUMINA and let yourself surprised by its subtle though powerful soundscapes... Our Belgian wonder-boy of melodic goa trance Seppe Cruysberhs proved himself well to be a very talented musician, splendid producer and wonderful storyteller! ✈ Enjoy the ride folks @ http://cronomi.bandcamp.com/album/flumina
  7. Just saying If you want 303, melodic and raw power, buy this for your Christmas
  8. Indeed, very nice & original - nice job on this! Artist of the art work deserves a compliment...
  9. Production and story telling value is still good: epic job mate!!!
  10. Album in the make - exactly for that reason
  11. This thursday 15/07: special 'Syb Unity Nettwerk' / 'UX' tracks played at radio show + interview about his 'Cronomi Records' releases... @ 'alpha.s crazy sounds'
  12. This release is what goatrance and psychedelic tekno should be: electronic rock'n roll - and I can't stress that enough!!!! Really, I can't!!!
  13. Indeed! We proposed to let him make an album sounding 100% like that - let's see what happens
  14. We are proud to be able to announce our upcoming release of 'Syb Unity Nettwerk' (June 2021) Check here a sample of the final art work Art Work: Kris Kylven Mastering: Colin OOOD
  15. Haha, you are trolling right? Love your style But I'd digg deeper ...but I saw you did Note: did you check UX – Aud‡ssey (Live & Beyond) ?
  16. Thanks for buying/support :* In general the response was/is amazing - sales and reations!
  17. Yes, I had several people, not being interested in "goa" trance, who also liked it very much. My aunt said "this music changed something in my brain!" - epic, right?!
  18. First review "TRUE MASTERPIECE ! Kris Kylven is one of the very few and one of the best if not THE BEST and TRUE GENIUS who makes ones take off like this! Who gives ones the energy to push our shelves from below to above and beyond! Instantly teleporting us at any time and place into cosmic immensity ; rolling, spiraling and dancing in the vastness of our inner cosmos, weaving the magical and sacred bond between our synapses and the stars so that we can be one with alien forces and deities!"
  19. Very understandable BUT the cronomi ne is thé edition/version that should have come out - rigth art work and the right master version - just saying
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