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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. big surpise indeed and a good one too,the samples sound great imo trippy and melodic im getting this in my next order.
  2. Trashlords - Stone another great one from stoneage records.
  3. Sienis - Superstation! great track....
  4. check out Mutant Star´s debut album "Demimonde", another good full on album is Rastaliens - Xplore The Wild Side,some pretty good tracks on that one.
  5. Psychlopedia - The Gurning Point (Miranda rmx)
  6. not anymore unless its something really really special.
  7. Miranda - Rerecorded 06: Subtropical Forest 2004
  8. Etnica - Trip Tonite is very speciall to me it was one of the first tracks i ever heard and got me into goa/psy,I have great memories from that whole album I put it on and im back in 97,I also have some kind of weird connection to Koxbox - stratosfear but i think its because i have tripped so much while listening to that track,Astral Projection - aurora borealis is another one for pure emotional reasons,this track actually sends shivers down my spine.
  9. V/A - Urban Awakening pure crap, i think 8 out of 10 tracks contains guitar riffs i fucking hate that,i should have listened to the samples before buying it but the track selection looked so good so i didnt care stupid me.
  10. Morphem - Monitoring 05: GameLord good stuff....
  11. I love his rmx on Bitmonx & Fabio´s track "Erdbeerkiwi" Its fucking great.
  12. Check out Flottanks album "Touch The Void" maybe its something you would like,Sensums album "Nocturnal Transmissions" maybe fits your taste too,two great albums imo,and maybe some Echotek too.
  13. Im a home listener listening to trance for pure pleasure.
  14. "Örebro Freakfactory" There are alot of freaks in örebro.
  15. cool,Im also getting these the first two, especially the Hyper frequencies/Plastik Elephant cd,I heard it a couple of years ago and i liked what i heard and now they have it on psyshop so im gonna get it for sure.
  16. Boom Bolenat!
  17. Nice the Nasha track is great on this one.I´m listening to Tarsis - Melt,np:Zombi Cocktail
  18. "Tales From The Forest"
  19. Etnica - Chrome 01: Nervous (rmx)
  20. alot of good ones,some of my favorites.... Refeer Decree - Gubbitrap Hux Flux - Errorhead Psychaos - Thinkers Blob Doof - Double Dragons Slinky Wizard - Sacred Fist Xenomorph - Acid For Blood Defolder - Optical Dawn Koxbox - Stratosfear Alienated - Nightworm Total Eclipse - Waiting For A New Life
  21. same here samples sound great! Im getting this without doubt.
  22. psytrain lol that must be one of the worst artist names ever.
  23. nah,their debut album "digitaria" isnt bad at all,i find it quite good actually. edit: I read somewhere i think in this forum that technossomy is realesing some new and old stuff but maybe it was just a rumour, i hope not coz that should be great.
  24. V/A - The Lurker 08: The Cujorius One - Twist The Truth great track.....
  25. Spectral-Diffuse and Quirk-Quality Control,two great albums imo, that i hardly see mentioned anywhere,maybe its because they are quite different from the regular stuff,but i think they still sound fresh today especially the spectral album its fucking great imo.
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