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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. In an interview on the Twisted DVD his holyness, Sir Posford, mentions work on on the third Hallucinogen album has already begun. :posford: You baboon.
  2. meh, i dont know now, whether charles was serious and asked chokuro about her mom or was again filthy rapist questioning me and my sexual fanatsies involving family members, charlies family members that is...

  3. as a matter of fact, she still is and will continue to be so for the coming 14 years i think

  4. Why do I get the feeling GSH's post will upset me? Edit: My post came out after he finished but I knew it would be derogatory!! Curse you, GSH. :pissed:
  5. No, I briefly considered setting up and installing a seperate ring system with the exclusive purpose of powering the hi-fi from but determined it would cost a lot of money, require a lot of redecorating and seeing as I don't own the home where I live (I rent) it would prove unwise. Pity, as it's supposed to improve sound quality quite dramatically.
  6. Okay, but again, why does it concern you the DJ has a Shpongle album and plays it in his set of commercial music? Are you saying that proves Shpongle has no soul?
  7. paid holidays, i've been dreaming of that since i came out of a teachers womb

  8. If you feel his music no longer comes from his soul and it doesn't connect with you, that's cool, we're all touched and moved by different things after all, but your previous post suggested you were concerned with hearing a Shpongle being played at a fashionable bar.
  9. You seem to have completely missed the point I was trying to make. Who gives a flying fuck where certain music is played, who cares what an artist looks like, what clothes they wear, what they stand for, how popular they are, etc. If a piece of music connects with you then it connects with you and everything else is irrelevant. There's a lot of posts on psynews from members claiming they only listen to 'underground' music, or they only listen to electronic music, or they dislike music with lyrics, or they're concerned when the artwork accompanying a CD they bought doesn't match their preconceptions or personal concepts and I feel sorry for them because by setting up these petty 'rules' that music must adhere to they're missing out on a world of brilliant music. And it's the same with judging music based on where you hear it played. It's just not important.
  10. ^ That's one freaky avatar.
  11. Not for a shipment of CD's, surely?
  12. Sounds really good. If and when you discover the title, post it here so I can check it out.
  13. Well, let's get serious for a moment. If someone walks into, say, a Pizza Hut and Bob Marley is being played as background music on the sound system, does that then render his music poorer? Good music is eternal and those concerned with hearing their chosen music played only at fashionable, exclusive or underground places have, I fear, forgotten music's purpose.
  14. Those words strung together like that were liky tiny little knives and I've blood on my sleeve...
  15. Hip Hip.... Hooray.

  16. You, Regenald, shouldn't even be viewing this thread, yet alone posting in it. It's holy ground.
  17. That's right. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth Hallucinogen albums were all hurriedly released to cash-in on the critical acclaim afforded through Twisted and The Lone Deranger.
  18. a very happy unbirthday, to you, to me? a very happy unbirthday, to, youuu :]

  19. Yeah, it's brilliant and one of the few psy albums I still play regularly. A firm favourite.
  20. Abasio not having the album is a crime. I'm genuinely considering putting him on my ignore list... or sending him a copy seeing as it's no longer in print.
  21. There's a secret order in Wolverhampton who say badgers will inherit the earth.
  22. So is someone going to pin this?
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