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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. A crime worse than beating a kitten to death.
  2. one day! One day in a few months too. I still need to do my internship. Dear god, i'm becoming a teacher for little annoying brats that will take my soul away.

  3. Because they feel it makes them look weak. Bastards...

  4. I've been racking my mind trying to remember the name of the plant, but can't. Put me out of my misery and tell me what it's called.
  5. Hey, Pedro. Yeah, it's the Isotek Titan. I tried a number of filters, including the Nordost Thor and Shunyata Hydra, before deciding on the Titan - which works very well in my system. Besides providing a cleaner, more refined sound, what really impresses me is it's mammoth power output (a continuous 4,600 watts rising to 23,000 watts when needed) which, ultimately, means even the largest of transients are handled with impressive authority and continued seperation. I never really appreciated how compressed music can sound during transients when there is insufficient power, and once I fitted the Titan and discovered how much more powerful and clean they can sound there was no turning back.
  6. Sorry, I got mixed up regarding the names of the albums. I'm pleased to hear you consider new album revolutionary because, as previously stated, 'In Search Of..' is a stunning album and there's no question he's a talented musician. With that in mind I look forward to, hopefully, having my faith restored.
  7. the umpires are on drugs ! i cant understand why dont they refer a doubtful decision to the third umpire.

  8. I don't believe in the notion of perfection so, for me, there is no perfect album. There are however plently of albums I consider brilliant and fabulous which is reason enough to be happy.
  9. thank yoo... *kissy*

  10. You're unusually wise for someone your age. By the way, check your PM's. :clapping:
  11. These are yours, aren't they? Gorgeous.
  12. Antic, thought you'd like to know there's another one on eBay right now and, being in the UK and having a paypal account, I'm happy to help you should you win the auction.
  13. scared little children hectically running into the classrooms waiting to be tought a lesson?

  14. i will watch it again...maybe....


  15. It's true. Great video though and a great find.
  16. Maybe you should watch it again. :P

  17. Fear not. In time God will deal you such cards that your sins shall be paid for thrice over. :drama:
  18. The plot? You have seen the movie, haven't you? I dunno, it's just a great film, great acting, great setting, great story that keeps you guessing 'til the end. I really like it.

  19. I missed them. Why were they closed?
  20. ProAc Future Point Five's :posford: - @ ZenFountain, I love your little tube amp. There's something very romantic about tubes.
  21. So, 9th Gate.... hmm, i just dont get it!!

    explain why you think its so good apart from the fact he smokes himself silly!

    or explain to this *goin blonde* chick, the plot! heehee

  22. 9th Gate is one of his best movies, you nut...

  23. Over 1200 CD's? Wow. That's very impressive. If you ever need a new friend, just let me know.
  24. Well, i enjoyed it:)

    Sleepy Hollow is blummin brill!! Only one i`m not keen on bar 9th Gate(sorry) is Libertine! hmm, love period drama, good acting from him, but.........

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