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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Try as I might I can't choose just one track.
  2. Is trance music really so god damn awful these days that we need to discuss if the DJ/producers are attractive or not?
  3. Is your spit simply not satisfying enough?

  4. I don't have a sister anymore (she was killed 7 years ago when a wild badger attacked her) but I know how much you fancy him, reger, so I'll let you do it :D

  5. plastomer forgot to mention taxes - blowjob under the table, you can perform it yourself or ask your sister to do it charlie.

  6. no, i'm cheap.

    just some coins are okay:)

    and a case of beer

  7. 2 euro isn't it?

  8. Why isn't this topic pinned yet? Is it wrong to want to spread love around Psynews?
  9. i added you as a friend, now you have to pay me! and if you don't accept, you have to pay more.. to reger too.


    ok, honestly, you seem to be quite okay.

  10. you were almost santaclause there

  11. but to remove you from my list i have to put into one first :D and that costs more.

  12. You fucking disgust me. Seriously. P.S. PM me your mobile number, we'll sex talk.
  13. Did you draw the offending caricatures of the prophet Mohammed last year?
  14. yeeey cchhààààààrlieeeee... charlie is back! chaaaaarlie. yeeey. baaack! yeeeey! baaaack charlie yeey!

  15. Religion isn't a laughing matter.
  16. The love of a good woman. But enough about me. How are you, still dating your uncle?
  17. Cheers, exotic. I feel I've hijacked this thread.
  18. Been living in Dublin but am back for a little while to sort out a few things and decide if I'll move there for good. I'll check out the spam forum, be good to see old radster again. Is he over his motorway obsession yet?
  19. I demand this thread be pinned. Both the author and most certainly the subject deserve nothing less.
  20. Two hours of grooming each morning, Symphoid. It's time well spent though.

  21. Man, I was hoping least one person might fall for my prank. Guess you're all too smart for me. Bastards. Missed you too. What's the spam forum?
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