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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Nemo has kindly unbanned me so I can write this, my final post, and I'll cut straight to the chase. It's me who's threatening to file law suits against psynews if I see people talking about me as, frankly, I've had enough of it and believe me when I say I am deadly serious. That's it. Have a nice day.
  2. That's the sexiest profile photo I've ever seen, Charlie. How do you do it?

  3. dont you think, one month is too much, charles?

  4. charlie brother where art thou ??!

  5. i will spot you!

  6. what you talig, charliz, i cen raed youre sayin`.

  7. Kinda like the first guy to suggest the world was round and everybody laughed at him and thought him an idiot. Or maybe nothing like that. I dunno. Ignore me. Either way, I'm sure feeling like a lone wolf or great warrior fighting the masses has it's benefits.
  8. you can now spam my profile thanks to nemo !!

  9. when you click settings on your page what all do you see?

  10. I can see your comments but I cant approve them .. fricking wierd !!1 .. now its beginning to annoy me as well.

  11. Yup, I think that prettty much sums up his performance.
  12. Just tried but I still can't post there. Weird. I wonder if other members are able to?

  13. Mmm... food for thought. I only hope my desire for attention doesn't grow still further and lead me to post threads entitled "Charlie's Thread" and "Charlie's Official Humans Get Effed Up By Animals Thread". Know what I mean?
  14. i just posted on my profile which means even you should be able to... try again.

  15. hmm.. the longer the beard, the more berries.. + lots of sunshine(:

  16. Grow berries in my beard? That's a good idea which I might try. Got any tips?

  17. indeet.. he's selfmade and very small.. and not so shiny like bulgarian motorways..

    You grow berries in that beard?

  18. I think they come to laugh at my profile, more than anything, and to remind themselves what a prick I am. :D I still can't post in your profile, exotic, it's annoying.

  19. Was that Rez?
  20. The difference is clear. The former want to see members punished when their immature, selective and temperamental sensibilities are violated, the latter want none punished. All this reporting is a bit like being back in primary school where certain children go running to the teachers, telling tales on people. It's immature and unnecessary.
  21. 1255 profile views .. you're a popular man charles.

  22. Exactly.
  23. I bitched at reger on msn the night it happened and afterwards he refused to have cyber sex with me. I'm keeping my mouth shut next time.
  24. Yeah. Providing a CD is genuine and legal I'll buy it from wherever is cheapest. I buy lots of albums, usually at knockdown prices from places like Amazon, eBay, cdwow, play.com etc. but would rather pay full retail prices than download poor quality copies.
  25. Yeah, reger told me he reported Rez. I wonder if there are any members who don't report people?
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