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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Do deny the Lord's greatness is but to tread the winding path of ignorance. I shall pray for your deliverance. Amen.
  2. I've lived in London but didn't enjoy it. I'm a country boy at heart. I need to feel the earth under my feet, I need to be able to escape into the wilderness when things get tough, I need mountains, hills and rivers, I need to feel close to nature or my soul takes leave of my body. Living in New York was even worse, I did some strange and silly things, but that's another story, maybe never to be told.
  3. You wouldn't really stoop that low, would you?
  4. You peed your pants, didn't you?
  5. Mozart Night on BBC Radio 2.
  6. I've never seen him. I did once ask a girlfriend to wear a Simon Posford mask while we had sex but she suddenly remembered she had to pick her friend up from the airport and I never saw her again. I really liked her too.
  7. A fine selection. Those are my most eagerly anticipated albums too.
  8. I agree with you, there have been far too many Posford threads of late.
  9. Of course it's taste. Those who don't appreciate warmth and a human-touch won't find his music that special, some prefer a powerful or acutely synthetic sound, others prefer the tribal thing, some subtle minimalist stuff. I was just voicing my opinion on why I consider his work special.
  10. Here's my take on the Posford-difference - As Colin said, it's party the subtelty he weaves into his music but better than that is the the passion he pours into his work, the attention to detail, he has a unique ability of making electronic music sound organic, almost as if the music itself is a living entity. It has a human-touch, a warmth and an 'earthlyness' that none can match.
  11. The fact he hasn't rushed out a third Hallucinogen album just makes the guy even more special in my opinion. How many artists with his reputation would resist the temptation to release an album that on name alone would sell by the bucket-load and make lots of money in the process? Very few, that's how many. I've said this before but great artists stay true to themselves and produce music that turns them on, they do not cater to public demand.
  12. Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy
  13. I'm sharpening my knives as I type.
  14. Over-rated? Over hyped? Ever heard of an album called Twisted, it was delivered from the heavens in 1996 and remains the best example of goa-trance ever produced. No?
  15. You've much to answer for, Otto.
  16. Gillian Welch - Wrecking Ball
  17. My album has a different cover, not that that's important. As for the music - it's okay but by far my least favourite of their first four albums. It has a few good tunes, the opening track being my personal favourite but I feel the album shows signs of where it all started going wrong for Astral Projection, the first steps on the slippery slidey slope. A five or six out of ten at best from me.
  18. Can you not lower the level to 1500? I really wanna customise my title to super retard but I'm only half way towards the required post count. Come on moni, can't you pull a few strings?
  19. This looks a very good party. Worth going in if only to see Shpongle live in my opinion. What act are playing during the actual eclipse?
  20. Shulman - Instability (my favourite of his)
  21. Nice choice, seraph.
  22. Stateless - Bloodstream (Regal Records)
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