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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. I don't think it's as psychedelic as it once was, no.
  2. Will do. Dolly Parton's ace and while I don't like all her stuff, wow, what a voice.
  3. Steve Earle's new CD :posford: . Country music warms my soul and hilights the more wholesome side of American culture.
  4. no charlie .. its getting worse day by day .. i win 3000 points one day and then i go lose it the next .. once i lose all my goddamn points is when i'll give it up for good!!

  5. For some reason I had to read it three times before seeing he'd already sent the guy CD's . Anyway, it does indeed sound like you may have been hustled but you never know, maybe the CD's are on their way and he has a good reason for not contacting you.
  6. Did you send him any money/CD's?
  7. Kylie Minogue. I'm serious too. Sometimes the radio ain't so good.
  8. 1) 1994 2) Sven Vath 3) A guy called Les who was a bit of a geezer, bit of a lady's man and a bit of a fighter. Had bags of charisma but sadly ended up a heroin addict. 4) Sven Vath - Accident in Paradise 5) Small underground rave at an abandoned quarry in North Wales. My abiding memory of the rave is arriving drugged up on speed and LSD and watching people trashing this old abandoned car, then suddenly one of my friends joined in but he was so off his face he started trashing the wrong car with the owner sat in it. Got a bit hairy as a small scuffle broke out and he ended up having to pay for the damage he'd caused. The rest of the night was ace though.
  9. Did you oil the soles of your shoes?
  10. Indeed. Who hasn't tried to moonwalk at least once...
  11. Looking for 'other' psy forums? Why would you wanna do a crazy thing like that?
  12. Jesus, that's even worse and how I imagine Reznik looks on his beloved speed.
  13. Your avatar upsets me. It's too disturbing.
  14. Yeah, that must be it. Cheers, Otto.
  15. How come I'm not mentioned then?
  16. You? No way. Why?
  17. Despite introducing psy all my partners, I've never had a single one who enjoyed it. But far from bothering me, I've always liked it being something that, in a relationship, only I enjoyed. My wife, in particular, hated psy, I mean really hated it, she was a hippy chick into folk music, knitting scarfs, pressing dried flowers, pottery, all that hippy stuff and whenever I belted psy through the stereo she'd get really depressed, sit down and churn out a load of morbid poetry. Happy days...
  18. Kind words, reger, but they don't make me feel any better about your leaving. :( I'll miss you more than most, fella.

  19. charlie, if i ever fail and return back to pointless spamming psynews the reason will be your occasional performances here, youre the man and the woman :lol:

  20. No, Connor is the coolest, man. Not unflawed, but who isn't.

  21. Can you two not discuss cumming in my face. Thank you.
  22. Yuu should be banned from using that picture.
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