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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Shulman - Inner Selves
  2. I'll seldom visit it but woo hooo anyway.
  3. Neither is overrated though Twisted in my opinion is the better of the two. On first hearing The Lone Deranger I thought it eclipsed Twisted and this feeling was reinforced when hearing it on numerous lsd and muchroom trips during the twilight years of the nineties. Time however is the true test and over the last three or four years I've enjoyed the first album much more than it's predecessor.
  4. Trance shouldn't be uplifting all the time. If it was it would be incredibly boring. Music is about tapping into and stirring emotions, all sorts of emotions, not just uplifting and euphoric emotions. Seriously, if all trance music sounded like Astral Projection the genre would be extremely dull and if all trance music sounded like Hallucinogen the genre would be extremely dull. I personally prefer the darker, twisted, really psychedelic stuff that is best played at night rather than the smoother 'sunrise' trance but I appreciate both have their place as indeed do the many other styles @qa2pir - I don't think anyone genuinely considers him a god. It's just a bit of fun. Think of it as taking the piss out of ourselves, an ability to laugh and joke at something we feel passionate about.
  5. Amen.
  6. I'm listening to the sound of freedom. Beautiful it is.
  7. ha! says the woman with the deck chair. My, I don't know...
  8. I'm gonna run up to him and rub his thighs, maybe kiss his hand, they'll throw me out of course, probably beat me up too, but it will be worth it.
  9. Richard Ashcroft - Keys To The World
  10. This topic is unneccesary. It's like asking if eating and breathing are overrated. Whether you appreciate the Master's work is irrelevant, the fact is Simon Posford's death will trigger the destruction of our beloved planet. You might consider this bullshit but it is written in the Bible, the Quran and the Torah. Even Dr Seuss mentions it in one of his books.
  11. Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - The Battle Of Evermore (Unledded Live Version)
  12. You're offering me half your hotel room, half your bed? My, I don't know what to say.
  13. I'm probably going to come so please unfold your arms. I'd say there's a 25% chance I won't.
  14. What the hell happened to this thread?
  15. * adds Tatsu to the list of people to keep 10 paces away from *
  16. I disagree, I lived in Israel for a while and there were a number of underground parties and those were just the ones I heard/knew about. The whole point of underground is to keep many people from knowing about them, to keep the riff-raff out. Just because you (or I) don't know about them it doesn't mean they don't exist.
  17. Yes. Do you see how strange OD and Heva are?
  18. Bob Dylan - Mr Tambourine Man
  19. If you two take deck chairs I'm going to have to ensure I'm at least 10 paces away from you at all times. I've a reputation to consider. Damn weirdos.
  20. Green Nuns of The Revolution are great. Sadly, I believe they broke up a long time ago.
  21. See, now that's why I like you radi, you say what you think.
  22. Yeah, does seem there'll be loads of us there. Should be really good.
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