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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. That's the original LSD on the Twisted album, it's by far the best version in my opinion.
  2. They are pretty good, yeah.
  3. Yeah, Magik is superb and one of his best tracks.
  4. I think Phosporescent and Beyond Colour are on par but voted for Phosphorescent as it holds happier memories. I'd say Blue is the worst though it's still pretty good.
  5. I once heard a rap song on LSD, it was awful.
  6. I went for Deranger, one of my favourite tracks. Six minutes in that crazy winding sound starts that gets tighter and tighter and faster and faster, it's superb, particularly if you're brain's saturated in LSD, it always reminds me of a catherine wheel breaking free of it's fixing and about to go flying off somewhere. Oh and about Otto, can we have him banned? I really like the guy but his disregard for Posford is intolerable.
  7. A rather beautiful folk song on BBC Radio 2, alas I've no idea what it's called.
  8. I remember Jam & Spoon, they were pretty good for the time.
  9. Beth Orton - Devil Song
  10. Charlie

    Sandman - Witchcraft

    I'd say it's one of the best trance albums ever produced, up there with Hallucinogen's Twisted and UX's Ultimate Experience.
  11. Charlie

    Psychopod - Headlines

    Headlines is a good album, yeah, with a pretty unique sound. A couple of the tracks do venture into what I call 'the land of tired, senseless noise' but it's still worth picking up. Most the tracks are very good.
  12. Prometheus - untitled track from his upcoming album
  13. Okay, I downloaded it while I was on my lunch break and just played it. I really like it (I knew I would though as we have very similar taste in old-school trance) but feel it sounds more like the Pleiadians or Etnica than Astral Projection. It has a lovely sound to it, very bubbly, swirly and hypnotic and creates a good atmosphere. Quintessential goa sound really. My only criticism is that again, like your other 2 tracks, there aren't enough breaks, break downs and build ups, though this is just my opinion. As I said though - the sound, the atmosphere and the melodies are great. I'll burn it to the same CD as your other 2 tracks later and play it on my hi-fi. Who knows, given enough time I may have an entire album worth of your tracks.
  14. Back on track... Sandman - Shockwave
  15. Charlie

    Pleiadians - IFO

    The only version of Zeta Reticuli I know of is the Lazy Spiral Remix which was produced by the original Pleiadians team (M Lanfranconi, M Begotti, A Rizzo and C Paterno).
  16. I've still not downloaded it, sorry radi, but definately will later today.
  17. I'm listening to more jazz today. I like that it has no rules, no pattern and no structure, there's nothing to tie it down, to restrict it. I finally understand why it's known as the purest of all music forms. Pity it gets a bit boring after half an hour or so.
  18. I just tried downloading it but it's taking too long, slowing my work down, I'll do it later tonight when I'm home.
  19. Give me an hour to download it (I've a 56k modem remember) and I'll comment.
  20. I'll check it out now, I liked the last 2 you did.
  21. I like the majority of samples too provided they're not cheesy and are used sparingly.
  22. Emou - Love Is Blindness
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