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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Least buy me flowers and take me out for a meal first, then we'll see about the facial.
  2. I played Modulation again this evening after reading this thread and, I've levelled this criticism at the tune (and indeed the entire album) before, but it sounds too thin, too confined to a narrow frequency. I prefer richer psy.
  3. I never used to, but in recent years I have. It's not just related to psy though and I feel the same way about most things, I can't repeatedly listen to the same non-psy albums or repeatedly read the same books, play the same videogames or watch the same movies without getting tired of them. But, getting back on track, on those occasions when only psy will hit the spot, oldschool goa hits it with more satisfaction than anything.
  4. Well said. I agree with you completely and it's why I don't waste time much with new trance releases; it seldom competes.
  5. Well said. I agree with you completely and it's why I don't waste much time with new trance releases; they seldom compete.
  6. I really liked it when I first got it but, I agree, and time has proved it nowhere near as good as Robot-o-chan.
  7. Lunatic.
  8. I still think it a poor track, especially compared to those on IFO. Sorry.
  9. When you gonna stop studying and return to Psynews? I miss you.
  10. No way, mister. What a crazy suggestion. Even the Gods should be forgiven.
  11. Well, without comparison everything loses it's meaning. If, through some strange and cruel circumstances, the only music you heard your entire life was the music of N-Sync and The Spice Girls, I wager you'd think it pretty good, when really, compared to other music, it's fucking rubbish and an insult to sound waves. Similarly, the new Younger Brother album doesn't stand out compared to Si and Benji's previous work. It's rather lacklustre. 6/10 for me. Disappointing.
  12. no. you have! so you asked about it only to brag it? thats so low!

  13. Well, you never know but, really, I doubt it. One of the key things I appreciate in music is individuality, the artist's ability to create something unique that no other artists could create or even mimic. This album is a strange mixture of Air, Pink Floyd, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack and has none of the signature Simon or Benji hallmarks. It doesn't stand out.
  14. Surely liking/disliking the album has nothing to do with sense, understanding music or cleaning ears and is merely a matter of taste and expectations and whether those expectations were met. May sound strange, and perhaps unfair, but I think I'd enjoy the album a little more and not criticise it quite so much had other artists been responsible for it. The trouble is I can't help comparing it to the last Younger Brother album, Benji's two solo albums, and all of Simon's previous solo/collaborative albums and, held up against any of those, this new album pales into insignificance.
  15. Errr...I mean you`re a true survivor...shit...fuck...damn....ARGH!

  16. But you`re still here. I must be a true survivor.

  17. Mine finally arrived yesterday. Listened to it 3 or 4 times now and find, while it's nicely engineered and reasonably catchy, it's, dare I say it, a little bit boring. It's also probably the cheesiest work Simon has done, that's not to say the album is cheesey, but it's not far off. It could also be described as rather shallow as there's practically no multi-layering and I can't help thinking of it as Diet-Shpongle or Shpongle-Lite. At the end of the day, I feel Simon's far too talented a musician to be knocking out this kinda stuff. He can create music like no others can, you hear a piece and you know it's his work, a melody, a synth, a bassline, it's unmistakably Posford. Sadly this sounds like any number of artists could have created it.
  18. Sorry, Santo. I don't know the lyrics, or even the track. Bastard postman.
  19. Charlie, what happend to your face?

  20. Except now you're banned. :(

  21. It's not just you, you manky baboon, I have it too.
  22. Welcome back, radster . May I be the first to say psynews has been a poorer place in your absence. Hope life's been treating you well, fella.
  23. You can spam all you want in my trainwreck of a profile. Nothing works in it. I can't change any of my settings, my avatar, nothing. It's all broken.

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