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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. You're interested in buying my CD for £45.00 really, aren't you? Admit it. EDIT: Oh, you unregistered. Everyone's so touchy these days, it's quite peculiar.
  2. Hallucinogen - Mi-loony-um ...with it's ticking clock it's perfect for New Years Eve.
  3. Country music. You've probably heard the track Jolene, the band White Stripes did a cover version not long ago.
  4. I've only heard 1200 mics' Heroes of the Imagination album and thought it sounded more full-on that goa or psy trance. I didn't like it.
  5. Dolly Parton - Jolene
  6. I do too, the fella has a good voice.
  7. Beth Orton - Concrete Sky
  8. Wise, wise words.
  9. High praise indeed.
  10. old school annoying? Are you into progressive?
  11. Pretty much, yeah. You know when something clicks, when you get something completely, it connects fully on both a spiritual and intellectual level; that's how I felt when I first heard it. It was the catalyst that changed something fundamental within me. Many people have experienced something similar when they first read a particular book or saw a particular movie. I'm not really saying it's the greatest album ever made, I may feel it is but in reality there is no sole greatest album, it's all personal preference and opinion.
  12. Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat
  13. The remix is wonderful. The original is better.
  14. Indeed.
  15. Beethoven, not Mozart. I don't rate Mozart, too arty farty for my liking, too plinky plonky and pretentious.
  16. It is, without doubt, my favourite psy trance album and quite possibly my favourite album of any genre. It's responsible for wiping years of sleep from my eyes, for clearing my head of cobwebs and igniting my imagination. It's the album that got me taking acid on a regular basis and consequently responsible for many of the notions and philosophies I live by today. I really can't exagerate the immediate and sustained effect this album had on me. It planted seeds in the arid soil of my mind which, ten years later, continue to flower.
  17. Yep, it's probably the best psy-trance album ever produced and I feel it's unlikely anything will better it. I'd go so far as to say if one held a copy of Hallucinogen - Twisted in one hand and a copy of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in their other hand, that person would be holding the greatest music mankind has ever created. A bit over the top? No. Not at all.
  18. What do you mean?
  19. He unregistered... because of what went on here: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=30142
  20. I've not heard much of MFG's new stuff but haven't liked anything Astral have done since 2000. I'll try to check some samples out, see if MFG's last couple of albums are worth getting.
  21. You're lucky rain isn't here to see you post that
  22. I purposely left that rubbish out.
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