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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. There's gentle, playful teasing and there's juvenile, pedantic teasing.
  2. Yes, I know what the problem is, people who can't accept and respect opinions different to their own.
  3. Stop being such a twit.
  4. I adore Shpongle and have at least 5 chill out CDs.
  5. Definately get it. It's a unique album, a magical blend of psy and folklore style music.
  6. Great reply.
  7. For a newbie I recommend: Hallucinogen Sandman Juno Reactor Astral Projection (only stuff released during the 90's) MFG (only stuff released during the 90's) Anything on Dragonfly Records released during the 90's Anything on TIP Records released during the 90's Anything on Flying Rhino Records released during the 90's After you're accustomed to the sound of these albums I feel you'll be better equipped to venture into the different styles of psy-trance and determine which are for you.
  8. I'm not keen on ketchup either but regularly put HP sauce on my chips, especially if part of a fry up.
  9. I agree, the violin track is almost certainly Darshannon from the Celtic Cross album.
  10. I do too and tend to go crazy with the vinegar.
  11. I nulled my vote as there was no some full-on is psychedelic option.
  12. Sort of, it's sometimes interesting to gauge common opinion and these sort of threads in particular have a habbit of diverting and going completely off topic so might be about whether we like like vinegar on our chips in a couple of pages time.
  13. It's called Darshannon. Good track but could do with more variation.
  14. Mozart? That's blasphemy! I don't like the majority of full-on either, nor do I find most of it psychedelic. I wouldn't say it's shit though, it's just not to my taste.
  15. We bothered you? My my, we can't have that now can we. We must be punished forthwith. What do you say to thirty lashings front and back, a public stoning at the village square and a pound of flesh. Penance enough?
  16. That's how I feel about a lot of Juno Reactor tracks, they have an almost religious eminence to them.
  17. It sometimes makes me think I'm outside but seldom out in the sunshine, I generally associate night time with psy trance.
  18. Goblins are the creatures Saramon the wizard had working for him at his tower in the movie, The Lord of The Rings. Their small, slender, green skinned creatures.
  19. It depends largely on the tune and my frame of mind but psy always produces images in my mind from which different emotions flow. Sometimes psy paints pictures of deserts, mountains and lakes in my mind, other times it's planets, comets, galaxies and other celestial objects. If it's a very technical, futuristic and 'bleepy' track then I picture spaceships, robots and alien technology. At times I imagine flowers blossoming and blooming (like you see on nature shows that use time capture). If it's a dark and mysterious track I often visualise misty forests or ancient and sacred buildings. In regards to Hallucinogen, my favourite tracks of his tend to bring elves, goblins, fairies, pixies and other Tolkien-esq creatures to mind. I picture them getting up to mischief at the bottom of my garden. Dunno why.
  20. I agree to agreeing to disagree. We've both put our points of view across and I respect your opinion. In regards to comparing someone who paints houses and someone who paints pictures, a painter who paints houses is painting the house to protect it from rain and damp and therefore providing a function. Art is never about function, it is about communicating something on an intellectual level, it transcends practical purpose.
  21. It does make sense, yes, I agree. You're an artist and a DJ, do you feel you're producing art while spinning material at the turntables to a crowd of people?
  22. Vincent Van Van Gogh started off doing photo realistic paintings, later trying his hand at a 2D Japanese technique before finally moving on to the impressionist paintings he is famous for. Those familiar with his work at the time (well there weren't any but bear with me) may have thought he'd run out of ideas when he ceased the Japanese style but the fact is he was entering the most creative period of his life. That wasn't the best analogy, sorry... but my point is maybe Simon has new ideas for a new project or maybe he's pushed the Shpongle thing as far as he wants to. Either way I think we should wait and see what he comes up with before jumping to conclusions.
  23. The words art and artist are too frequently thrown around these days. In it's purest meaning an artist is someone who creates music, paintings, literature and sculpture. I wouldn't call someone who works in a museum, who's job it is to decide what painting to hang next to what painting, an artist. Likewise I wouldn't call a DJ, who decides what track to play next to what track, an artist.
  24. The thing is when I go to a club, a rave or a festival all I care is that the track selection is good, that the tracks fall within my taste. I honestly don't mind if the 20 or 30 seconds of mixing one track into the next is piss poor or perfect. It's the meat and bones that matters to me, the actual tracks.
  25. I don't think I was disrespectful nor do I believe I 'trashed' or 'bashed' your topic. Fact is I just happen to hold an opinion in contrast to your own. If you can't see that then you can't see that but there's no need to get rude or upset about it. Live and let live.
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