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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. I've only heard his first album but I didn't like it. Sounded cheesy and not my thing.
  2. Does goa trance fall under oldskool? Oh, and what the hell is nitzhonot, psytekk and forest trance, are they real sub categories or made up ones?
  3. lol
  4. Today I got (well ordered)... Pleiadians - Family of Light CD Only paid £10 for it.
  5. Basically I've ended up with 2 copies of the CD and plan on selling one. What should I be looking to get for it?
  6. I bought an Infected Mushroom Live at the DNA Lounge CD on eBay for a fiver but it was a pretty poor recording, ended up using it as a drinks coaster.
  7. Van Morrison - Moondance
  8. Mm.. I imagine that a fine tune to make love to. Nice avatar too by the way.
  9. Bob Dylan - All Along the Watchtower
  10. All CD's now sold.
  11. The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
  12. Radi, what software/hardware did you use and is it expensive?
  13. It could do with a break or two, you're right, but it's still a very good sounding tune.
  14. Impressive tune, it's psychedelic and has that nice 'bubbling' sound I've always liked so much. Sounds very 'alive' too which is a welcome change from the cold, clinical style many artists have embraced. You should definately create more stuff like this. I really like it. I'm going to burn it to CD and play it on my hi-fi as I can't properly appreciate it through crappy, plastic PC speakers.
  15. I'm listening to radi6404's mp3 found here: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1PZYN2I6LXYZL07R3V8OSSY9XB It's bloody good too, pretty trippy.
  16. The difference between an authentic CD and mp3 files burnt to CD are quite easy to hear so ask the shop if you can have a listen before buying, and even CD copies ripped from authentic CDs sound inferior to the originals, especially the bass which is usually flabbier with less punch.
  17. If you create something that sounds remotely like Fluoro Neuro or Deranger you have to post a link to the mp3. It's the law.
  18. Charlie

    Pleiadians - IFO

    That's one opinion. Another opinion is some of the Pleiadian tracks are great, some are okay, and some are really boring. Personally I feel IFO has around 3 great tracks, the rest are pretty repetitive and, dare I say, mindless and monotonous ordeals.
  19. I have high hopes for... Album: Future Sound Masters - Various Artists Label: TipWorld Records Release Date: 09/01/06 1) Hujaboy - Psychedelic Baby 2) Man With No Name - Dirty Trick 3) Man With No Name - String Theory 4) D-Nox - Switch (Bullet Proof remix) 5) Biotonic - Mexicosed Brains 6) Biotonic - Science Mythology 7) Sandman - Holy Flip 8) Sandman - Night Tripper 9) Terraformers and Illegal Machines - Dragon Dance It's been ages since Tip released anything good but this should hopefully break that trend.
  20. Ordinarily I don't mind cameras and video cameras at festivals. If I'm tripping or rolling though the flash has a habbit of searing my brain, freaks me out somewhat. I become a cave creature on acid and really can't handle bright lights.
  21. Quite possibly the best psy track ever made.
  22. Juno Reactor - Guardian Angel
  23. Seems everyone has a Discogs page these days. I'm too lazy to do one, must take ages?
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