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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Stephen Fretwell - Magpie (best album I've heard this year... besides Shpongle 3 perhaps).
  2. Today... Floatation - Various Artists (Interchill Records) 1 Neil Sparkes - Miramar 2 Adham Shaikh - Sabadhi 3 Ishq - Sol 4 Mystical Sun - River Goddess 5 Mere Mortals - Lyricism of Symmetry 6 Steve Roach - This Life 7 Makyo Clarity - (Melting Snow mix) 8 Shpongle - Saudade pt. II 9 Eat Static - Caveman 10 Circular 1 - Drifting
  3. Etnica - Alien Protein
  4. I know, it is kinda ridiculous, but on a personal level it's rather comforting as I have those three CD's and a wealth of equally rare CD's. I suppose if someone pays £50 for a rare CD who's to say they don't get £50 of enjoyment from it?
  5. All those CDs? Lucky thing. Today I got - Juno Reactor - Shango... it's pretty good too.
  6. Cheers.
  7. Does he really fuck his mother? Is it consensual? On a serious note, what sort of psy is it and is there a link you can post with mp3 samples? I've not heard of the artist but am always eager to hear the work of a 'genius'.
  8. I checked out a few of the tunes recommended in this thread but I don't think dark psy is quite my cup of tea. A few of the MP3 samples sounded okay but generally I found the style somewhat cold, clinical and minimalist. I prefer multi-layered, organic sounding psy, tunes that somehow feel 'alive'.
  9. I might have to check that track out, and yeah, the skateboard scene was stupid.
  10. Juno Reactor - Insects
  11. I'm interested in Miranda - Phenomena, how much were you hoping to get for it?
  12. No, they're completely different tracks. In my opinion Orphic Trench is the better of the two.
  13. According to the Hallucinogen website Orphic Resonance was Posford's first Hallucinogen track (which makes sense as the Earthtrance album was released in 1995 and the Twisted album the following year).
  14. Today I got an oldie - Earthtrance - Various Artists (Elf Records) 10 Medicine Drum - Invocation 2) Speedy J - G-Spot (J-Spot Mix) 3) Banco de Gaia - Kincajou (Wild Monkey Fever Mix) 4) Man with No Name - Osmosis 5) Eat Static - Chlorophyte 6) Koxbox - Point of No Return (Ionizer Mix) 7) Hallucinogen - Orphic Resonance 8) Indigo - Guajibo (Ritual Recharge Mix) 9) The Source Experience - Environental Breakdown Part 1 10) Sven Vath - Rainforest is Calling 11) System 7 - On the 7th Night (live at Glastonbury)
  15. Man With No Name - Osmosis
  16. I've yet to hear any dark psy (unless the Lemurians - Dark Secret album is considered dark psy) but feel it might be something I like. What are the best examples of the genre?
  17. I finally got the Nitrox album today and thought it very poor until I got to the final three tracks (which are excellent). I just don't understand why the first seven tracks are so repetitive and lifeless. It's a bit like having a load of old beans and stale bread for dinner then having a very small, delicious slice of blackforest gateau for dessert.
  18. You would have made a terrible mod (no offense ) but I would have too. I'm not impartial enough, I tend to take sides and would almost certainly let those I like get away with crap while punishing those I didn't like for exactly the same crime. I think you'd do the same.
  19. I don't have a clue what that means but I've emailed you nonetheless.
  20. Might be wiser if we report Tatsu to one of the other mods, there's enough of them.
  21. A bit of incest never hurt anyone (well, except the unborn).
  22. Only my own.
  23. I've never been with a partner who likes psy trance so I have no psy recommendations. I always seem to end up with women who are into folk music, poetry and art, women who intellectualise the abstract and knit me beautiful hats and scarves. Dunno why.
  24. I prefer single full length tracks to mixes, mixes tend to cut the ends off a track rather like radio does... but yeah, covers are always nice and help communicate the concept of a recording.
  25. Yeah, 2005 has been the weakest year for psy-trance; I honestly can't think of a worse year. The best years were 1995 - 1998. Back then very few artists were imitating eachother, everyone was doing their own thing and doing it with verve, passion and innovation. Alas, those days are over, never to be repeated.
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