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Everything posted by radi6404

  1. man with no name - Under the influence
  2. Yes, mfg´s Illumination is very emotional and because of this i listened just once this days to the track, on winter i prefer to listen to hallucinogen and transwave as to plaiadians for example or to the etnica nice toy rack, they are way to alive, look i don´t like getting the rebirth feeling like in summer at winters, it just don´t feed well at all and it is way to emotional for me, that´s a positive site on the winter that you don´t have much emotional feelings, really chilly.
  3. [b}The Infinity Project - Welcome To All Extraterrestrials[/b] Everything what these guys like Raja Ram, Simon Posford, Martin Freeland and the guy of Total Eclipse release rocks big time and is better than most stuff out there.
  4. the etnica track is indeet very good but this time i can´t listen to such emotional music, i just can listen to such music if i´am really in love to a girl but this time i listen more ti Transwave and Hallucinogen because they aren´t that emotional. Transwave - Trashish
  5. Iám not optimistic ecause no matter how good the melodies will be, it will be there the fullon bassline which isn´t listenable at all.
  7. Lol this isn´t german, this is bulgarian
  8. the Infinity Project - Welcome to all Extraterrestrials good ambient tune
  9. I must alzo listen to this fucking awesome album, really atmospheric and it combinates the classical great feelings from Simon with Ott´s dub feelings so it really can´t be ayn better.
  10. the first two are right, the last guess is wrong
  11. Iám in love with monika, but not this from the forum but with another.
  12. I´am listenig to this: Mr V - Give Me Life [Cheeky] Rise - Orange [Perfecto] Li Kwan - Point Zero [seka] Ennio Morricone - Friends [Mercury] V Symmetry - Vaporize [Eye Q] Vanelis - Tears in the Rain [East West] Eugiena - Salt Tank [white label] Hallucinogen - LSD [Dragon Fly] Goa Gill - Near to the Divine [DAT] Wojciech Kilar - Vampire Hunters [Columbia] Electrotete - Alcatraz [DAT] Vangelis - Main Titles [East West] John Williams - Schindlers Workforce [MCA] Man With No Name - Floor Essence [DAT] Scorpio Riding - Bugcater [DAT] The Infinity Project - Stimuli [DAT] Metalheads - Innner City Life [ffrr] Wojciech Kilar - Love Remembered Voodoo People - Co-Incidence [DAT] Total Eclipse - Waiting for a new Life [DAT] Trance Team - Wake Up [diki] V-Tracks - Heretic Voices [Hotside] Marmion - Schoneberg [Pure Energy] Ennio Morricone - Vita Nostra [Virgin] Karl Biscuit - Aktualismus [MTM] Rise - Sun [Perfecto] Man With No Name - Deliverance [DAT] Perfecto Allstars - Reach Up [Perfecto] Para-Dizer - Songs of Liberation [Dos or Die] Dead Can Dance - Sanvean 4 Voice - Eternal Spirit [Rising High] Zen Paradox - Fornicator fucking awesome psychedelic trance.
  13. Because almost all members here are fullon lovers, i can´t believe that almost all members here listen this fucking bullshit that sounds so awful that any other genre sounds better, i like it more to listen how my shit fall in the toilet water IMO than to listen to fucking awful bullshit fullon, people how can you be fans of that music?
  14. In the france nationalanthem they sing about ware and blood and so on and i think because this transwave called the track "Land of freedom", but i just noticed that i confound freedom with justice, in germany justice means Frieden and because of this i counfound the name.
  15. all tracks are killargh
  16. Thanks very much man, i have this KIIILLLLAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH remix in best quality, in alinetrance they cut the best part of it at the end of the track, awesome track.
  17. John Williams - Schindlers Workforce what a killargh track with what synths and what a atmosphere One of the best racks i´ve ever heard.
  18. It is alzo very good that the track has this name because it´s quiet the opposite of the text in the france national anthem.
  19. kkkkiiiiiillllllllaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  20. Thanks man, killaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh
  21. Yes, of course, i downloaded the set on the same day when you told me that you uploaded the set, do you think i will let the music on the server? this is the very best i listened, i´am wondering which artists played on the set Spaced out 2, never listened such psytrance, very melodic and with very nostalgic synths, fuck the first track sounds so old that i got goose pimples when i listened first to the sets, but not because i´am scared but because it blew me away.
  22. What happens, this time no Derango?
  23. True, especially Helium is indeed a KILLLLLAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH TRACK, well when others write the words vvveeeerrryyyyyy long and with big letters i alzo want do this!
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