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Everything posted by radi6404

  1. agreed, are you shpongled is the best shpongle album and really art, but i don´t know if hallucinogen twisted or the infinity project, feeling weird better is. 1 point is clear, feeling weird is more psychedelic than hallucinogen - twisted
  2. Feeling weird is the pure definition of psychedelic, if someone would ask me what´s psychedelic i would give him this album if i had one copy of it.
  3. Great that you´re here again, what has happened, why you weren´t here since several days?
  4. ozric tentacles is great, but it hasn´t sounds from rock.The hallucinogen mix of parathonton or how it was called is really awesome, nice dub sounds with the great ozric sounds.
  5. Rammstein - Sonne The atmosphere of this track is so dark.
  6. what´s tribaltrance?
  7. Shpongle - Are you Shpongled?
  8. hallucinogen kicks? what´s this, but yeah of course i would wear hallucinogen and astral projection shoes or something else if they would be out but it is too much stuff for rap fans out and that make me sick. If i want buy a cd i must order it from the web and in our small town often letters that are for my family get losed so i cut happen with the cd´s and that make me don´t buy anything from the web.
  9. yes of course, Simon posford, Raja Ram, and Martin Freeland did the music together how i know.
  10. of course they are the main guys of the scene and they released the best psytrance ever, of course including hallucinogen.
  11. Yeah exaclty, the bad thing is that in germany are CD store´s over two etages just with fucking rap bullshit and no good psychedelic trance cd´s because most of the stupid kids listen to this fucking getho music, i can´t believe how most kids can be so stupid and listen comerzial rap bullshit in that they hear only nocesence and they even buy clothes with adds from the rap artists, like stupid 50cent shoes and it is even cool to wear such fucking awful things.
  12. I wonder that noone else has to say anything about the Infinity project
  13. Can someone tell me what IMHO means, i´am wondering all the time when i see that what this means, alzo unknown for mes btw or imo.
  14. I´am just browsing and listening to samples of the Infinity Project and i noticed that i have much tracks from them that are really psychedelic, i would say the most psychedelic tracks i have, i mean tracks like overwind, Binary neuronaut or Teleparthy or the track that someone says "get a hanting in a 3 stage racket" or so, they did the true psychedelic trance with great synthpresets and great twisted sounds and great percussion. Iám wondering why noone mention them here. What is you opinion about them?
  15. Hallucinogen and Tristan - Stretch tastic The synths really sound like sounds from pigs.
  16. I don´t think that at all, play to a non psychedelic listener phreaky over the moon or even hallucinogen - deanger and ask hin if it is not dark. I don´t want start a new thread for this but can someone recommend me good morning trance, too? Ah with emotional trance i mean Cyan - Elf or Cyan - The Eyes of Buddah, that´s really the definiton of emotional trance, i like Cyan even if they make nitzhonod, the Israelian Nitzhonod dón´t sound good but the macedonian sound great, do you know they are from macedonia?
  17. I like the last track of the album, really dark stuff, visiting venus is alzo a very great ambient track,iám wondering why there aren´t other ambient tracks that sound like this.The newer albums of electric universe suck all but the first two have had a really uniquie sound that reminds me always on the beginning of autumn i mean august september.
  18. This should be in the musikmaking section. But to the topic, very much synhs that sound well havn´t a lfo function, with vst´s it´s easy because you can automate al things without any LFO, you just must know what how to use the autmomate funktion of your host. I don´t know how this synth sound but usually korg synthesizers don´t sound very well for psytrance, they are better for Hiphop, the best synths for psytrance are from roland and moog, very uniquie and very high quality. But the virus synth is alzo not to forget. Maybe otto mann or how he was called will say that iám Simon
  19. Simon lives in the UK and i think he don´t like bulgaria that much that he would post pictures of the mountains of it, why bulgarian mountains, do you think he know about the mountains there? Do you alzo thik he talk like me, look at his interviews and you can read that he talk english very well not like me.
  20. IÁM NOT SIMON POSFORD, but i don´t force you to believe it, make what you want, i just like his music and have a bit knowledge about music software and hardware.
  21. Why you think so? I think Simon Posford has a better english knowledge because he is a Britian of course.
  22. The voicesample on the beginning of Gamma goblins 2, it sounds so funny because the vocoder.
  23. Usually astral projection´s tracknames feat well with the track but i like the funny tracknames of some hallucinogen tracks like Astral pancakes and so on. Everyone who understands english would laugh about such a trackname. I wonder why simon called angelic particles angelic particles, did he had a girlfriend that was called angelic?
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