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Everything posted by devious

  1. Okay! There it is! Juno 106 for sale will ship internationally like I do everything else, too See: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=220172528019 Also, I was reading something on gearslutz today, how psytrance sucks so much because of softsynths, brought back memories of Nemo's recent topic. Gearslutz are some serious people, but there were a lot of good points. Not every body who agreed were into hardware. I tried to get some of them over here to talk music since some seemed so familiar with like GNOTR and such artists. sooooooooo we'll see Aaron
  2. Do you by chance know a John Sieh? He goes by Binetux. -d
  3. You have an Instant Payment of $2,510.00 USD from ............ hOLY FUcking Shit!@# So I sold the MKS-80+MPG-80 for mad profit and more than enough to buy an andromeda 6 AND something else. I still have my MKS-50 for sale too! Woot! Any takers? Hahaha! Guess I better pay my past due ebay balance now, hah. Anyways, here comes that andromeda 6! I feel like I just won the lottery. I put it up with a price for buy it now and best offer accepted. I would had accepted much less, but oh well! It'll help me get what I can actually use!@ Did I just sell something I should have kept? HAH! I'm totally giddy! WOOT! -d
  4. @El Brujo: My mind hasn't been made up 10000% yet, I really want the A6. I haven't heard the P8 yet, and should make time to go play around with it. The truth is, I really need something that can get me from point a to point z without a whole lot of in between stuff and I think the A6 would help accomplish that. I feel it's more feature ridden than the P8 and think it can do some excellent sweeps and such. Although, if I go into my music store and start playing with the P8 and it sweeps me off my feet, SWEEP hah, I just might do it instead. One thing is clear, I am getting rid of this vintage stuff. And right now I am working on fixing another Linn Sequencer [ugh]. I found a disk drive for one so now I have a working 720k drive in one of em woot! @Veracohr: I did read that. I am keeping my eyes out for the Made in the USA one. From what I understand, they've shifted the manufacturing over to Taiwan and...well, I'd rather avoid that honestly. Damn profiteers! Thanks everybody for still contributing to my hair-pulling decision making. I will keep you posted with updates and photos when it comes time woot woot! Aaron
  5. Well, I think the A6 is a winner now! After a lot of research and a lot of realizing what I *really* need and not just what I *want* this beast is a real winner. 16 part too vs my already 4 parts in all my gear, hEH! Laughable, but So, I've argued with myself today to come up with something that I can trade my current gear for and here's what I have. Andromeda 6 Ensoniq Fizmo Juno 60 I fink those 3 keyboards will do what I want to do and think in a sense they would compliment one another for some crazy space scapes, yeah? Anybody agree? I know Eat Static uses a Fizmo and I've heard lots of wonderful thing about transwave synths from ensoniq soooooo...why not? Opinions or suggestions or changes? Keep the A6 there. I definitely think it's worth more bang for the buck than the prophet 8 )) I currently use an Akai MPX 820 Mixer. It's more well suited for a drum machine, but is a fully analog mixer so that'll be good for the A6.... You're probably asking what I want to do or what my goal is in music? Well, really, I'm in love with ambience. Stuff that makes you float from home [earth] to the farthest depths of the universe. I kind of want to do stuff that incorporates binaural rhythms in the background too, musical brain pattern manipulating songs, yeah. Sooooooo....just so you know what my aim is. I'm not looking to do psytrance [yet], I want to start out slow and progress in what I find most appealing to me musically as far as song creation goes although I love psy as much as I love ambience So more feedback, input, how this combination of three boards will work, etcetera. Aaron
  6. Okay, I've made up my mind. I know some of you may go YUCK, others may say COOL, but I really chose it for functionality over anything. The Andromeda A6. So I am going to part with my MKS80 and get the A6 now. Why? 16 part timbral, 16 voices, and a whole lot more than the MKS80. The sounds I like that I've done on the MKS80 can be replicated by a Juno 60 my so clever friends have told me. So we'll see, a Juno 60 in the works trading up the Juno 106? Reason, I like the fatness of the 60 better than the midrange level 106. Have wanted one but I buy gear based on deals really. If I saw a Jupiter 8 for 400 bucks, I'd buy that! h0h0h0! Anyways, I know the A6 isn't as bright or as fat as the MKS80, but that would serve me better. I was thinking too that I could use the A6 in combination with a nord or access and stop being so analog loving . I really think it'd help me avoid having a bunch of 1 and 2 part timbral synths in my rig thus eliminating a lot of weigh to travel with. Still figuring it out! http://www.wohmart.com/a6/audio/ Tons of A6 mp3s weeeeee. So would YOU be happy with an A6? I know I know I'm asking a lot of questions about gear, but there's so much and I'm trying to be open to possibilities. I would had thought it was unheard of for me to even consider incorporating a virtual analog synth in the mix, but....it's becoming more obvious to me that it'll be quite helpful with the right one of course [nord 3?] I was envious of rack gear when I started, but for some reason am finding keyboards more attractive, and new-er stuff instead of all this vintage gear. ya know? Something that breaks that I won't spend 300 dollars locating a 2 dollar part? -Aaron
  7. Midi Quest is a pay program yes, but it's a very professional, very user oriented interface. You can build your virtual rack in Midi Quest, and so long as all your gear is connected to a MIDI patchbay, it makes it easy as point and clicking on the piece of equipment you want to dump from or dump to. You can even view the parameter values of the tones in Midi Quest which is super cool! I have other patch managers that are freeware but they just didn't do justice for me. They were sloppy and just weren't designed with the user in mind [simplicity and customization]. -d
  8. I like DCOs, I like pressing auto-tune on the super jupiter! It's just so much simpler! I don't know where I'm heading yet! Soo....time will tell and I'll report back. -d
  9. Midi Quest! It's awesome, I downloaded it from torrent first then bought a copy because it was actually what I needed! [i always do the try before buy thing]. I have yet to have had a problem using all Roland gear anyways. Flawless working with: mks-80, d-110, d-550, mks-50 -d
  10. HAH, I'm so about the prophet 08, gee thanks for the headsup. It's the fact I'm only knowledgable about vintage stuff that I keep in the vintage market, but the truth is, I should get with the times since they are releasing some absolutely wonderful analog gear these days [studio electronics and such]. I really like the features, 8 voice versus 5. ahaha!@ I guess I wouldn't mind getting a Prophet 10 either, but the 08, rad. The special edition one is pretty sweet. It's 500 dollars more though. Somebody wanted 2500 for their prophet 5, I offered em 2k and got rejected, thankfully. Cause....this is so much more worth the 2k and it's up to date. ahah!@ And it's a PROPHET! =] hahahehhe thanks thanks thanks. I had seen this but passed it quickly cause it's uhm, not old? Anybody want to buy my Atari ST? I have an MKS-50 too with the PG-300 programmer! hAH! Okay really though, I need to figure out, what's the multi-timbre on the 08 like? I can't find it? It has to be more than 1 since it's new. You guys just made me change my mind, wtf!?@ okay okay, it might be a good thing after all. Aaron
  11. I suppose, but I've always wanted THE prophet 5, it's sort of a...a wet dream I guess. I'll look into it, the prophet 08, it would be nice to have something newer so long as it's 100% analog [i'm kind of analog myself, HEH!] soo I'll take a look. Gimme links! I'll find some, but are there any demos around? Aaron
  12. I put my MKS-80 up for sale! Despite it's awesomeness, I've decided on a true Prophet 5! I've always wanted one! And I got my MKS-80 at a steal of a price so! -d
  13. The background atmosphere sweep is pretty nice. It brings back memories of some of the Return to the Source tracks. I can't really give you input because I like what I hear, other than the end, that wasn't the end...yet right? as per work in progress statement! Hehe, good job Nemo, good job! -d
  14. Okay, hi! I'm Aaron, most of you know me as that crazy guy here on psynews, :> Anyways, I want to take a consensus on what psynews music folks would do here. I've always wanted a Prophet 5 even before I made music. The thing just screams rad. I have yet to actually have used one, but have heard some samples and am at quite a dilemma mentally. Would you, as a psynews producer type....do this: Trade your MKS-80+Programmer for a Prophet 5 keyboard? Let me know, I am really thinking about it and would help me eliminate my mostly roland setup Colin? I have two keyboards already, a korg dw-6000 and a juno 106. The korg is used mainly as a controller. I love the MKS-80, but....man oh man, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? -d
  15. Juno Reactor - 10,000 miles [one of my favorite juno tracks, it's truly a strangely layered track that well, is bizarre and enticing at the same time] -d
  16. I honestly think you're right. It's the software. It's the fact you can download the latest and greatest versions of everything from your nearest torrent or p2p site. I also have to say I disagree, 98% is too nice, I'd say 99.9999% of it sucks. There's no time, there's no effort, everybody wants to be famous, everybody rushes to be famous. No time or effort is spent in making the music, they just think oh golly gee, i just made that and push it out the door onto the next one. Now had there never been a computer world and everything was always physical, you'd only find those who had a passion for creating music releasing it and thus would expect higher quality. It's part of the Internet revolution though. Music at a great price produces crappy releases. Then again though, I know people with some quality equipment [Myself included] that aren't computer related vsts and sequencers...that can't produce a mouses turd, hah! -d
  17. Well, I am moving to Poland with you when you go. Do they have a bridge from the United States that connects? ha ha ha ha. Kidding! I really don't want to have to ship all my important shit, like the music gear. DUDE your records will cost a billion to bring back, holy fuck! -d
  18. The first, and best Shpongle album there yasiman! I do like that one *A LOT* -d
  19. they were just here a couple weeks ago. unfortunately, the club that had them thought they were getting something else, instead, they just got a dj'd performance. everybody including the promoters were let down. but then again, the club is extremely small. it's housed like 50 hot names in the last 6 months. minneapolis boom! i was unable to attend the ritm show but had seen them before [their complete off the wall insane stage show] with my ex in vegas. -d
  20. Well, after having had my wish answered and seeing Hallucinogen and being fulfilled, or so I thought, I now wouldn't mind seeing a live pa done by: Dimension 5
  21. Because he had it pressed and released? A very good reason to be proud of it. :-] Thanks Basilisk! I remember when I bought my first copy from you a long time ago. wOOt! oh, and what MADE me proud before I sold them? Dimension 5 - Transdimensional [before the suntrip release[cd]], Juno Reactor - Bible of Dreams [vinyl] -d
  22. I really think you're doing a delightful job. I wish I had something to add, but all I did back in 2002 is come on here and post vinyl lists for sale and disappear. soooooooooo- sorry! keep it up though, looking good, frenchy! -d
  23. dude, first off, never look at it as being a mess. SRSLY! That's where we went wrong, we assumed it was bad and would only get worse. we kind of led ourselves into our own demise, but really, I was with a hot asian stripper, what else could i have expected? Jealousy, anger, and all that other shit along with it. If you two are committed, do it for each other, not because of Nico. Two healthy and happy parents will serve a child way better than two disturbed and pissed off parents together. Haha, MUSIC AND PARENTING! Right but it's like a harmony, if you and her give a good harmony, he'll feel it, if you give a bad harmony, he'll feel it. Malick did, and sometimes I think what we did even when he did not see, he knew about it and it's kind of made him the way he is today, developmentally delayed among other things [a pain in the ass to cats, he loves animals, but cats, my dad's cats, he chases around and terrorizes to DEATH and I cannot get a control on him about it, ugh]. If it's meant to be, let it flow. Just remember, never stay in a relationship "because of the kid" it was one thing I learned and one reason I did leave her, Malick's mom. I was miserable. I loved her and did not want to end it, but I could not let it go on any more than it already had. Cops and all involved, it was intense. We tried though, so that was cool. I really hope you three make it through to mostly the good things in life. It happens, very rarely, but to those it does, it's a fucking blessing in the most non-religious context. -d
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