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Everything posted by devious

  1. I want such a schedule, and whenever I get situated I may have one, but it's tough. I do hear musical creations in my head all day long though and getting into producing will definitely be key to getting them out of my head and onto something physical er at least the sequence and synth parameters, tehe. ...til the airwaves bounce. -d
  2. One SID, the MOS er whatever, I don't have it in hand, but not the SID SID, the other one, I have four of them as well as strange commodore 64 stuff. Weird old ancient printers n shit. http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid.html Is the one I've been working slowly on. And to be on topic I got a new slider and fader cap for the Juno 106 so that'll be screamining 100% soon, and a fader cap for my PG-300 [was missing one]. I'm broke for awhile now, but in the future, I would like to get a drum machine. :-/ -d
  3. Whoa, artur, that is hot! You went to that? Did they make you a guest of honor at least? -d
  4. 1. 1997 2. Astral Projection and Juno Reactor 3. Friend from EFNet #ANSIPUNX from Houston, TX (Loki_) was like HEY D, DOWNLOAD THIS!@# I was owned thereafter. 4. Juno Reactor - Bible of Dreams from WaxTrax [America release] 5. First rave...1998, some super jump in teh back of a uhaul truck taken to undisclosed location underground liquid adrenaline party, first psy party, 2004, MAGE II [Midwest Annual Goa Experience] Psy in the states as far as parties went never took off really until the last few years. Crazy shit yo! 6. What's six? Is there a six? Hell, oh well, was worth a shot. Oh, what are you wearing? I'm sitting here in boxers, socks, and a t-shirt. What are YOU wearing? =] -d
  5. Man, I tell you what happened last time I was in my friends studio practicing with him....wow, well, I had my infamous space rock (my one-e) and it was full of some killer greens. I toked most of it, my buddy Matt took the rest (he takes hits like a lil man ). Well, afterwards, we were high as hell and I was practically trippin. Ever since I overdosed on AMT, I have minor to sometimes intense visuals off any amount of marijuana consumptions now, eep. Matt got into music theory on my ass, Mr. Fucking Professor Matt. I just wanted to continue doing our improv shit. I couldn't follow him, I was FLYING!@# So he finally figured that out after about 20 minutes of him soaring above me acting as mr. professor! It was funny hahaha!!! So, alas, we went, he came up with a funky bassline [with a real bass, he does bass, i hit the keyboard], and next thing you know, I had us going to egypt on the keyboard. Some crazy weird arabic shit, total improv, cause I hate music theory haha! :] anyways, too high to record, but it was totally a blast once he shut his piehole on music theory. I told him to wait until I wasn't so damn high. He's studied it for 20 years, I've studied it for a total of 5. Difference in knowledge, so he was basically high ass professor matthew. This was what? Two weeks ago. I really can't do musical things when I'm trippin or high. I can do the Djembe but it requires me to do next to absolutely no thinking. Let go of the tension in the hands, hear that beat I want in my head, and lay it out! wOOt! -d
  6. I heard the ....c. beings album, had it at one time. I think endah inherited it from me. I liked it, and using discogs rating system, I think I'd give it 4 stars. I did not hear anything else produced by him. As for the drama queen comment, well, he was who he was. But he did contribute a lot, or so I thought! -d
  7. Well, I guess you can't have a nazi user [me] without the nazi admin [you]. hAhAhA! -d
  8. Mars, this is a FAIL: Quote: ...Like the rest of the Psychedelic scene, and techno music in general, it’s become less attractive and its activity........ Unquote. There's no basis to place that in a wikipedia article whatsoever. It seems like an opinion formed merely from personal feeling rather than something of fact cause I highly disagree. Although, you may be right for your part of the world, here in the United States, in the Midwest alone, we have 2-3 psy parties a month now thrown by numerous collectives. Our techno scene, well, in Minnesota alone, it's a win, complete win. Just some constructive criticism! -d
  9. My memory is fogged, I forgot it was 'Children' even but I do recall now since you mention it. I think Mars was working behind the scenes and was vocal among the creation of psynews but I think the thought, the idea, came from Children and then he inherited Mars somewhere down the line and they worked together on it and then that time came when it went frozen and nobody knew what was happening and lalala, and the time that there was a message *I THINK* saying site being redesigned, or something, and that was up for a very long time.........I could be all wrong and thinking of something else, wow, I can hardly remember if I brushed my teeth yesterday *haha just kidding* but that's the way thinking about the Internet feels. :-/ -d
  10. I knew you inherited it, I think I first popped in in 2001 or 2002 and used it merely as a reference for finding oldskool sounds from the reviews/discography section. I remember there was a time that it was in a frozen moment where nothing was happening here, but everything...was here. I don't even remember when that was. I sold things on here and then formally created an account in 2004 because, well, I wanted to join my second web based forum since 1993, heh. I've been on a total of 4, but only two remain, here, and my local mnvibe site, weeeeee. I wouldn't know what to contribute and think it's best you Mars develop this article yourself. You know the happenings, you know the insides, you know the outsides. We're just merely here representing the outside. -d
  11. I play a djembe and I figure if it sounds good on the djembe, I should reproduce it in electronic form.
  12. I never said you were. I'm just in a jaded mode some days and just because I disagree to disagree does not mean I can not later on agree to disagree. hEEhEE! laugh. I'm just not in a good place right now. I want to move, out of country, but at the same time, I want to live off the land. What country could I really do that in without pissing off the local government or something? Heh! -d
  13. Yeah, I was merely thinking of african tribal dances through drums, and silly christian snake bite ceremonies in the southern states, and well, the traditional beat off and think of another woman trance state, haaaaah! really though yeah, you got it and stuff, indeed. it was hard to see my meaning, i think too. it was an underlay, definitely. -d
  14. No, depending on your cultural and or religious backgrounds, trance induced states are not ALWAYS induced from dancing. -d
  15. I don't count all these Midwest parties really so much as goa influenced parties. There's absolutely no mind-body connection at all with whatever is played at todays events, damon. But when posford was in arkansas, the entire lineup was playing music I enjoyed and it wasn't my favorite event only because of posford but because they had a lineup that pretty much laid out a ton of goa goa goa melodic psy, the real deal and not the monotonous dark midwestern love stuff. I mean hell, truth is, I think all we should have here in the midwest is gabba everybody seems to love 180bpm dark stuff, so why not do 220bpm mental fucking breakdown banging techno metal, yeah? so yeah, one goa party! hah! -d
  16. I've only been to one goa party. That was Hallucinogen and some other nice light hearted stuff. I vibrated like I had a dildo stuck in my butt, is that considered dancing? haha! =] Seriously though, I just think people have different ways of doing their own thing. I won't knock you for looking like an idiot flapping your wings so long as you won't knock me for standing there bobbin my head ridin the waves inside my mind looking like an idiot. -d
  17. I thought it was more along the lines of Getting fatter = dancing less *hides* -d
  18. Yeah I looked at it about 3 hours before you posted this. I was like WHOA! No MP3s yet I'm wettin myself, yeah! -d
  19. Dude, you are so not alone on this. I've only danced when completely subjected to other things. Hah! Sober, I don't find it in myself. I remember though one time I was so messed up people were gathering around me to watch me dance. I was hot shit...until the drugs wore off, i shit you not, either. So yeah, dancing doesn't feel natural to me, but I find us people who do not dance, moretheless filled with this vibrational energy that everyone's watching and we're just self-conscious of looking like a bunch of idiots like the other dancers look like...yeah, most dancers look like idiots but at least they're having fun. I still have fun not dancing. I'd say if you feel like it's not normal, that is okay, getting possessed, well, that would suck, but knowing you enjoy the music and perhaps know it better than the other idiots dancing around you while you do nothing but sit there and bob your head up and down knowing that you're listening to the freshest bumps, well, that's priceless. i'mma start sounding like homeboi! imma be packin, yo! werd! -Aaron
  20. i rock the house, and when the house rocks, the ground shakes.

  21. Try the A-80, it's a serious board and you may find out that this board contradicts your statement. Even the kurzweil midiboard. These two will give you near-piano feel and even aftertouch polyphonic stylee. There have been folks who have hooked up piano midi, but without the goodness of polyat and that kind of makes it pointless, i would think. Aaron
  22. I've done 2 of these baths before, but not on synth gear. On as you say a motherboard, in my case, I've done power supply boards. Along time ago when I was about 9, I put in a 5 1/4" drive on a computer, put the case on, turned it on, and i just heard the infamous zzzap sound coming from the ps, sure enouigh, the capicitator blew up and there was a small fire coming from within the power supply. It was also very dirty and I became scared of dirty power supplies after that. I know also, since we're talking about synth repairs and cleaning, it is recommended to replace caps on the power supply pcbs every 15-20 years just to be safe. Usually okay anyways, but if the caps go, you risk destroying the microchips and other things on the other pcbs within the synth. My only real issue personally is doing a perfect soldering job with these new batteries. I hate fine soldering. So what Nemo says is true, practice board bathing on a board that you don't care about possibly risking. Do it multiple times until you are secure with the process. Compressed air is fine, but it'll still leave old 20 year old residue from dirt/dust/pube particles, haha. Using a air compressor at 75psi may work, but I wouldn't recommend it, although I know people who do it and live by it (scary thought is that when doing this, the soldered points will come lose or even snap). Now, in Europe, I shall recommend a place in the netherlands, vintageplanet.nl and for the United States, synthparts.com - have done business with both and are both awesome to deal with. -Aaron
  23. My response was simply a joke! TB UY YLR DEN OT DNDESTAU TAT YU ERA HISP!!!! k!!!! heeehee! hugs love and no drugs. -d :drama:
  24. I'd also recommend just pulling off the button then and just use 91% isopropyl alcohol and wipe it down really good. You could do this with denatured alcohol but I know most people have that isopropyl around. Just get the contacts nice and wet and wipe wipe wipe. -Aaron
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