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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Wow what a nice surprise! Polished BotFB with their characteristic twisted forest melodies. Not in your face, but always present and peeking at you from behind the trees This is not lofi Schlabbaduerst, but a slightly toned down Twin Sharkfins with a lot of interesting sound design and rhythms. It's great when you can blind play an album and guess exactly who the artist is, but still find something fresh in it. Highly recommended.
  2. Wow! Biggest surprise of 2018 so far Without knowing anything about Triquetra before, I just assumed this was an old artist with a bunch of unreleased tracks from way-back-when, which only now got polished for 2018 and released It's very refreshing to hear something that sounds truly old school, as funny as that sounds... It''s rare that I come across an album in which I enjoy almost every track, a few more listens will determine some favorites Anyway great stuff, and I hope I get to hear it live some day!
  3. I'm a big fan of Pleiadians and Morphic Resonance, but this album feels weird somehow. It's a great listen, yet I don't see myself playing any of these tracks over the originals when I'm in the mood for some Galactic Trance As a tribute, it's a great release and I'm sure Cristian had a lot of fun making it. It's just hard to add something new to music that has been burnt into our receptors for decades now. Although I must admit the rhythm section is one place that old Pleiadians could be better in (Meter being the exception, relentless fucking track), and the beats and breaks are much punchier and aggressive on the Remixes. I like. All in all, an excellent release on its own... just impossible to escape direct comparisons as its a remix
  4. Clouds, rain, wood stove and Stratum... the perfect soundtrack for this autumn Dark ominous synthscapes, but not devoid of rhythm. The overall atmosphere reminds me of Black Lung - The Coming Dark Age. Really hard to come by this kind of music... a truly special release!
  5. 01 - League For Spiritual Discovery (143 BPM) 02 - Enchanted Forests (145 BPM) 03 - Code Insomnia (144 BPM) 04 - Shadow Of Doubt (144 BPM) 05 - Fate To Faith (145BPM) 06 - Durga Gayatri (148 BPM) 07 - Aurora Borealis (148 BPM) I think this one deserves a listen.Great storytelling, melodies and sound design. It never goes over the top, but delivers a fun psychedelic journey. I'm surprised not more people dig it, probably due to no label or promotion. Anyway, tracks 1, 3 and 5 stand out for me. Surprise release of 2016. Get it from Ektoplazm
  6. Fuck. This is excellent stuff... He's gone way beyond the "as good as Pleiadians" phase. I'm living off grid for the next few months without electricity, and this album gave me the motivation to get the solar panels set up ASAP
  7. Amazing
  8. Raw Acid YUM Incubus, Groans, Implant are top tracks... very refreshing
  9. Holy shit! Well I really liked Patience for Heaven, but Presence is on another level! It's been a while since a new release had this sort of impact on me, and I haven't given it nearly enough listens, but already I can say that Inevitable Delusion and Alinside are the best new school Goa tracks I've heard in years. There's a very unique feeling of fresh nostalgia that seems to be carried in the music. Off to more listens
  10. I went digital years ago. When I look at my old CD collection I feel like I'm looking at a pile of garbage All the energy and material that went into making a CD with case and booklet, then shipping it round the world... with the implied prerequisite that I have the necessary archaic technology to play it (which I rarely do these days). If only there was a simpler alternative I'm not trying to judge people that still buy CDs, but I realize that is exactly what I'm doing
  11. I'm not a huge fan of Nitzhogoa for home listening. The laser kicks, explicitly eastern melodies and high tempo are a little too in-your-face for my liking. It would be quite a different story listening to it at a party, with a full mind and body blast! Having said all that, I quite enjoyed this album Sound design is excellent, there are a couple of times when the synths sounded quite alien, fresh and really grabbed my attention Magnetic Force is a good example of this. This is quite refreshing in a genre where you can often anticipate the sounds. Other tracks I liked: Proto-Knowledge, Who We Are and Broken Music Box. At some points I heard similarities to Merr0w, which I like. Overall very nice release and one I hope to someday somehow listen to it on a big sound system
  12. Alek


    Very nice!
  13. Definitely For melancholy nothing beats The Upbeats And the last one might not be Liquid, but it's a dark rhythm killer
  14. Got myself a sweet little upgrade
  15. Lovely music! Thanks for sharing For me Liquid DnB peaked around 2006-2007 with Hospital Records and Logistics in particular, so here is some stuff in that style
  16. Heh I almost forgot there was a time when Goa Gil didn't play mind grinding DarkPsycoreHiTech
  17. SubConsciousMind - iRemberem oGa from 5:30
  18. You can try your luck on http://www.psytrance.com.ar/forum/
  19. http://androidjones.com/wanderer-awake/
  20. Pretty good stuff here The stand out tracks for me are Angkor Thom and Cosmic Trance, but overall pretty solid tracks throughout. I like the mix and mastering, the sound is really clear and each element is telling its story without clashing with others. If there is space for improvement, then it might be in finding more variation in the bass lines.
  21. I think they went for a retro late 90s web design feel
  22. I think Wizzy Noise had one of their more memorable tracks here. Also Ion has an interesting take with the track Industry on what could be considered Electro Full On
  23. @Carbon: how do you manage having the keyboard and mouse on different platforms? Like when you need to often switch between typing and mousing around, isn't it a little awkward? @desysko: how are you liking the BS2? What do you think it's particularly good at? Here's my "studio". Just started getting more serious about music making a few months back
  24. I'll skip the well known releases and go for some that are a little off the beaten path that might qualify for this style JaraLuca - Minds Circus Adrenalin Run - Spoiled Brats Ufomatka - Alien's Lair Jikooha - Going Forward Journey Into Sound - Up There Journey Into Sound - Blessed Unconciousness Celestial Consciousness - Insider (Katedra Remix) Travma - Tesla Lectro Spektral Daze - Out of Body Experience Alien Message, Ajanta, Gazzuar, Hypnagogia tracks from The Call of Goa
  25. This quote got me thinking: “The Internet introduces everybody, no matter how weird, how marginalized, how peculiar, to the fact that there are others like you. There are others like you. FIND the others. MAKE common cause. Realize that it’s the deals you cut and the friends you make that determine where you’ll be standing when the flash hits. That’s just obvious.” - Terence McKenna (His last interview) This is something I could REALLY relate to in my own life. It was 2001-2002 and I was in my late teens when I first discovered Psynews.org. At that time, there were very few people in my social circles that I could relate to. Most of the people around me at the time were materialistic, conservative and held values that I could not relate to. If everyone got an erection about the latest phone model, why couldn't I? This made me feel like there was something "wrong" with me. It was only after discovering this forum (and its glorious purple/navy color scheme) that I realized there were others like me, who thought in similar directions and were interested in the same things. What would have happened to me had I not discovered this tribe? What if there was no internet? I'm glad I don't need to find that out Thank you Psynews and the people that have made it and still make it what it is
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