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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Click for Download Antediluvian Panorama Tracklist
  2. To be honest I have never had anyone complain about the kick drum or say it is just boom boom boom only that either it all sounds the same or that it is not real music (no lyris the heathens :pissed:) Maybe it's because what I play is not just boom-boom (goa, old psy, good fullon, downtempo, IDM, Ambient, Modern Classical, techno, some house) but not one of my illiterate (musically) friends has complained about the kick drum boom-boom! Not one! Amazing however they have complained about everything else.
  3. Wow! There are some very different prices for that item
  4. Delerium - Semantic Spaces
  5. It's not really a review though is it? Best to put it in the music promotion section
  6. I had this for years but never really thought much of it! But I put it on recently & wow! It might have been my mood or whatever but this is a seriously good remix collection. LSD right down to the stitching and a must have for (psy) dub fans. Love it, listened to it 5 times in a row it's that good
  7. They are mainly around where I live! I might live in a megalopolis of 100 million people or more but there are still some great green places to be found (it's just people don't try to find them that makes them so much nicer) Cheers! Hope you liked the new batch
  8. digital anger
  9. the world's worst bus stop
  10. There's too much of the dragon I know
  11. Would be cool Who would hack Hallucinogen's site though? There is little to hate about Simon P
  12. Some of the new ones will be hard to get in the future! I know I am still pissed off that I didn't pick up certain albums when I had the chance, back when they were new & cheap! It will be the same for some of these. 10 years down the line people will be paying through their noses for these. All the labels in our scene, even the big ones, are independent labels that wont be reprinting all their albums a thousand times or more so a lot of albums will become hard to find in the future I think. bwhank doesn't have the where-with-all to pick up on something so subtle as sarcasm! And yes I think it would suck to be it, eternally negative and giving nothing unkown a chance or just spending his days trolling a place where the vast majority can't stand it. Pretty sad when you think about it Pity it but don't listen to what it says!
  13. Hallucinogen's old site was never on icetec! It's just a random homemade webpage site isn't? This is feathers' pointless humour, not a hack.
  14. Someone has far too much time on his hands and no real outlets it seems! That's not really funny, clever, interesting or anything really or do I just not get the subtle wit involved?
  15. Love Charles' sound! Will be looking forward to this one
  16. Still about Charlie? I guess # UX - Ultimate Experience - Dragonfly Records # Shakta - Silicon Trip - Dragonfly Records # Pleiadians - I.F.O. (Identified Flying Object) - Dragonfly Records these have gone?
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