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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Just started Haruki Murakami - Dance Dance Dance gripping from the get go! how he manages to make such mundane everyday things into such trippy literature I can't fathom. I am just glad he can
  2. I have not read the book but I used to go to a club like you described! It was called Heaven & Hell and had a lush heaven room with morning trance leading to chillout and a fantastic hell room with techno leading to gabba! It was an ace concept but not quite to my musical tastes. Don't worry, gaywhale (loves whale dick [sorry just love that sig]) has no idea what is psychedelic! Even with such an open concept where just about any answer is right, his is wrong
  3. It's the same with everyone except..... Ian Huntley! Nobody ever went on about what a good janitor he was!
  4. It's all been said previously in the thread but I agree that any music that you are not into can generally all sound the same because you don't really listen to it. Almost every genre has some great stuff in it but also a lot of shit but if you don't listen to a genre it is hard to tell the difference between good and bad. I think that only the genres you really listen to can you really understand what is quality and what is not. When I get into a genre I'll often first buy what is popular and "highly recommended" and like it at first then delve deeper and realise those popular releases were nothing compared to what is out there. But take me back in time to when I was starting out and I wouldn't be able to tell much difference.
  5. I'm hoping to do an abstract mix sometime soon, gonna remix this
  6. To be honest I never really liked the godfather movie (runs and hides) and when I read a book after seeing the movie I can't help but picture the movie
  7. What happened with the guest status Lemmi? Anyway, the topic title says always but the actual poll question says usually! Probably not the best way to do a poll topic but then again it seemed to work out all right
  8. They have the name but do they have the members?
  9. Green Oms - Coming Through In Waves
  10. So what you are saying is that Ganster movies are better than books? I must admit I have never read any gangster books. I really don't like reading a book to which I have already seen the movie as when I read my mind just imagines what I have already seen on the screen. I want to picture my own characters not see some mug actors face and this spoils it for me. I do however like to see a movie after I have read the book because it is great to see someone else's take on it. Usually it is disappointing as it is not my take but still interesting non-the-less.
  11. I'm still here and the scene has definitely degraded in the last few years. Even 5 years ago it was still really good but the number of parties is declining, moving out of the capital and more difficult to find decent ones. Some of the festival events though are still really good.
  12. Your intrinsic dislike of him probably stems from when you wanted him to make you his special little helper but he rejected you, prefering relations with a monkey! As for Psy covers try 11 vs. Symphonics - Space Criminal from Far East Technology which is a great track.
  13. Save The Robot - Battle Of The Mind
  14. Damn these threads that make me want to buy 20 new pairs of headphones! At the moment I am using Bose quiet comfort 2 after some rave reviews but they were pretty disappointing. The sound from them is great but the noise cancelling (which is their main feature) sucks. Walking down the street I can hear every car, on the train I can hear all the screaming kids while listening to ambient. Very comfortable though, have worn them for up to 12 hours with no discomfort on my elephantine ears I used to have the Sony noise cancelling ones which were great but fucked up after 3 years
  15. For some reason this sounds like such a beautiful description
  16. Artist: Dialog> Title: Music For Imaginary Movies Label: Dialog Music Released: 2006 Style: Ambient, IDM, Breakbeat Tracklist 1 Blacklist (3:49) 2 Abandoned (6:48) 3 Into the Light (6:28) 4 Mindeep (6:04) 5 Low (5:18) 6 Nautilus (7:26) 7 Angel Trap (6:57) 8 Glitter (5:02) Dialog> is Andy Smith from London and Music for Imaginary Movies is a nice albeit short album which touches on ambient, IDM and breakbeat with dark atmospheres. some great melodic leads and bits of glitch. This album as the title suggests has a real cinematic feel to it. Filled with atmosphere and real feeling there is a lot to keep your mind alert while being open enough for the listener to add his or her own details to the story. There are some very nice ideas here and well executed. My favourite track is Low with its beautiful atmosphere and grand feeling. My least favourite is Glitter which feels out of place and has too much rock in it for me. My main problem with the album though is its length. There are only 8 tracks and non of them are particularly long so the album is over far too quickly. I would very much like to here more from Dialog, hopefully a new album with more tracks or longer tracks. For more info go to http://www.dialogmusic.com or click on the album cover for samples. 1. Blacklist The first track is an atmospheric, glitchy ambient track. The drones in the background build a dark, midnight atmosphere whereas the glitchy sounds make me feel like I am standing in the middle of a building site at night with huge machinery looming over me. A very nice start. 2. Abandoned The second track is more upbeat with a nice simple breakbeat through it. The background is littered with trippy little noises my favourite of which sound to me like small imaginary creatures hidden from human knowledge except for their light chirping at night. When the beat breaks down the first time we are treated to a real atmosphere building melodic synth drone that has a real cinematic feel to it. Add to this a lush melody that sounds like it has come out of a mid nineties acid trip and a similarly originated vocal and we have a real gem of a track. 3. Into The Light This track has a more trancey feel with a 4-4 beat, early progressive psy like sounds and a warm simple melody. The bassline carries the track well giving it movement while the shuffling sounds under the beat make it feel like it's stationary, as if the music is vibrating on the spot or dancing in the middle of the room. Stationary movement only made possible by music. Another grand sounding synth drone gives a lot of atmosphere. I imagine myself in middle of the dancefloor waiting for the beat to kick back in. When it does it's a nice old chilled yet trancey breakbeat. Another top notch track here. 4. Mindeep What's on your mind? The inquisitive sample that repeats through the track has a dark almost melancholic feel to it and does exactly what a vocal sample should to music, it adds a human touch to help the listener relate the feeling of the track to a visual scene. I can picture a scene with 2 men who have met in a poorly lit parking lot, one of them clearly nervous so his senior asks him to share his troubles. I am then free to extrapolate the story into a tale of paranoid delusions or real conspiracies. 5. Low A heavy bassline and a subtle yet bright melody sounds like an ethereal ray of light glimmering in the dark night air. As time passes the glimmer becomes more visible but the night gets darker and darker. The bass growls deeper and from the dark night comes a standout melody. This melody definitely catches your attention from the first listen and is for me embodiment of deep atmospheric movie scores. Such emotion has come through this sound which started out as a small glimmer in the darkness but ended up lighting up the whole world. 6. Nautilus It would have been hard to follow Low with a similar track so I think this much heavier, upbeat track was a good choice. They are very different and therefore avoiding the disappointment in a track despite its obvious merits. The beat here is a little heavier than I prefer and it does have a tendency to dominate the track distracting from the nice synth work and psychedelic sounds creeping in and out. Although it's very different it does seem to flow nicely from the last track, like a different scene in the same movie. 7. Angel Trap With the tempo dropping and the atmosphere a little more open I get the feeling of a winding down. As if the tightly coiled tension of the bulk of the story is now reaching the natural conclusion. The melodic sounds float through the air as does a strange oscillating sound. A not so grand but still very nice cinematic drone covers brief stabs of chime and melody giving a kind of ending feel to it. 8. Glitter This final track does not have quite the feeling of finality that the penultimate track has. It is more upbeat and cheerful and it makes me feel like the second track played on the end credits so when at the cinema some people get up to leave while others remain until the lights come on. The beats are big with an almost rock feeling to them accentuated by the electric guitars. The track is so far divorced from the rest of the album which has such a lush almost orchestral feel to it that it can only be end credits. This is probably my least favourite track on the album. There are some nice elements like the piano keys and soft melody but overall it's too abrasive for my taste.
  17. Artist: Papa Legba Title: Dead Air Label: Celestial Dragon Records Released: 22nd May 2009 Style: Ambient, IDM Tracklist 1 Night Surf (Ishq Remix) (8:43) 2 Digital Ice Pipe (6:01) 3 I Want To Believe (6:20) 4 Recovering (6:44) 5 Greek Opium (6:52) 6 Arranged Memories (5:42) 7 Abandoned Window (6:35) 8 Barely Holding On (7:13) 9 Namek Coastline (Extinct Planet Mix) (6:50) Papa Legba aka Peter Pan aka Peter Zuniga is out with his debut album on Celestial Dragon Records. This was an album I was anticipating ever since hearing Papa Legba's track, Night Surf on the compilation Intermittent Memories released in 2007 so it has been quite a long wait but in my opinion that is usually a good sign. It usually indicates that the artist has spent a long time getting it just right to his own standards and design and hasn't rushed it to meet a labels timing demands. Papa Legba did not disappoint me with this release. Dead Air is an album of 2 halves, the first half is full of very relaxed ambient soundscapes and it dangerously starts of with an Ishq remix of Night Surf. I thought this was a risky idea because if he started with music as good as Ishq then he might struggle to follow it with his own music. This fear of mine though proved unfounded as Papa's own music flowed nicely after it, just as good if not better. The second half of the album is more upbeat in a kind of dark IDMish style. For me, the second half of the album is not as good as the first and there are a few moments where Pete's taste clashes with my own. Namely in the latter half of the album with the Banjo melody in the beginning of Arranged Memories and the penultimate track Barely Holding On at times sounds like it is describing a gun battle down at the OK Corral. These blips aside though this is a very good album. Throughout most of the album I get the feeling of being on a misty ocean in a small craft, in the beginning sirens sing to me but I can never see where their song comes from as progressively the fog becomes thicker and thicker. The music is quite mournful with themes of loneliness and temptation abound. When the music gets more upbeat I feel like I have come through the fog and landed on an island where the natives are performing a tribal ritual. Unfortunately I have to cross through some redneck yokel’s yard to get to it. The best tracks as I said are at the beginning. I really like Night Surf (Ishq Remix). It is more melodic than the original with as you can imagine more of an Ishq sound to it. There is more emphasis on the magical atmosphere created than on the waves and birdsong in the original. Digital Ice Pipe and I Want To Believe both have a cold horror feel to them with the former building up the atmosphere and the latter raising the urgency creating a narrative in my head of floating through the mist then being chased by some unknown horrors. The rest of the ambient tracks have a similar feel and some of the IDMish tracks as well, so all in all it is a good album with a few blips which I should have expected as Pete Pan’s taste has always been that way for me mostly great with a few things I hate. Recommendation: If you are expecting this to sound like the front cover looks and the title indicates then you will not be disappointed. The music is cold and mournful, moving from dead ambient soundscapes to harsh unforgiving IDM beats. For me the first half of the album is better but the second half is good in parts. It’s a good album with a few weak moments later on. Favourites: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 originally written for http://www.isratrance.com Some track by track analysis Ishq’s remix of Night Surf is more melodic than the original with as you can imagine more of an Ishq sound to it. There is more emphasis on the magical atmosphere created than on the waves and birdsong in the original. This sounds more like Sirens tempting sailors onto the rocks. Digital Ice Pipe is another long droning piece with a lot of emphasis on melodic sounds creating an atmosphere of floating on misty oceans. The vocal sample in my head sounds like a warning beacon being transmitted from a lost ship in the centre of the fog. In I Want To Believe we start to build a little bit of rhythm. The same cold atmosphere lingers from the previous track but the beats add a more energetic almost urgent feel to the music. The glitchy sounds and the glitchy plucked melody really add to my feeling of being in some horrific fog while floating on the ocean with who knows what lurking in it. The vocals in Recovering again remind me of siren song, the background feels like murky waters with mist floating in ominous clumps over it. In my mind each clump carries a rock or an iceberg that can dash my small craft if I’m not careful. There is nice melody that floats through the air after a male vocal sample not quite shattering my picture before some steady rhythm makes me feel like I’ve come through it. Or is it just illusion? More sirens in Greek Opium at the beginning but the quickly disappear as the sound becomes thicker as if the fog is engulfing everything around me. It’s quite a heavy feeling track for one that has little to no beats, it all sounds very ominous. I like it in its disjointed randomness. The start of Arranged Memories really grates on my nerves. The harsh banjo playing is quite a show to the system and even when I am ready for it, it hits my annoyed spot. It’s a shame because when this melody calms down the track is really nice. In fact the guitar melodies in the second half of the track are really nice. The tribal drumming as well is pretty cool. It feels like through the fog I have landed on an island shore with the natives in the midst of some kind of tribal ritual. But to get there I had to go through a hick yokel’s yard! Abandoned Window is a very random IDMish track with a lot of sporadic beats, ambient drones and splashes of random melody and a plethora of trippy little noises here and there. It creates quite a cool atmosphere but with the beats being all over the place it is hard to lose yourself in the images like in the first part of the album. It’s a nice track though for what it is & I’d like to put it in a set I am planning which is all this kind of sporadic disjointed stuff. The most upbeat track on the album is Barely Holding On with strong steady beats right through it. They are very hypnotic in the right mood but it took me the longest time not to hate this track. At first I found it boring and out of place. I didn’t like the beats & I thought it ruined the album. While even now I think it is the weakest track here it has grown on me a little as it has a nice mournful feel to it but only at times, other times sound like a gun battle down at the OK corral. Namek Coastline (Extinct Planet Mix) rounds off the album with a kind of mix of both sides of the music. It is like a softer more ambient IDM glitch than the previous few tracks, or if you like a glitchier more rhythmical IDMish ambient than the opening tracks. It’s a nice finish to the album but far from spectacular.
  18. TIP vs Flying Rhino Mix CD
  19. Tetsu Inoue - Ambiant Otaku
  20. Well no! I am sayin the total opposite if you would care to re-read. The biggest pile of crap is (not would be) liked by the majority. Ever heard 50 cent, G-Unit etc? Absolute talentless crap that millions of people enjoy. These people (like you I guess) don't really see music as art. Music that they don't like (like you) they say is utter crap without thinking about tastes being different. What you, pop boy, think is crap someone else really really loves so yes it is art. You don't have to like it for it to be art. In fact that is IMO the essence of art. But pop people don't understand this becaue they don't see music as art. With your statement that focusing on music is saying is that you are a casual listener. The problem with your argument is that while you think you are giving the albums the benefit of the doubt by listening to them while "lounging around" and "going to sleep" you are still not focused on them. Be you reading or thinking of other things your full undivided attention is not on the music. Try listening to an album and writing down what you hear and how it makes you feel. It will bring the music to whole new level for you. Not that I expect you to do any of this as you have proved time and time again that you do not see music as art and that you are just a pop boy! You and your old banned moniker of sunwolf(?) have left many hints to this fact. Not that there is anything wrong with being a pop boy but I find it quite sad that you can't experience music on the same level as the rest of the people here. You will say you do but believe me you don't. So next time you open a hater thread just think before writing things like "95% of it is just completely uninspired and pointless" Think is it really? Is this a lazy piece of shit like 50 cent or 1200 mics last album? Or is just something I don't like. There is tons of stuff I don't like but I can still appreciate it's artistic merit. Something that is so commonly lost on pop twats.
  21. abasio


    Cheers! Will check that out Of course it doesn't pop boy!
  22. To be honest I have far too many books I need to read before I buy anything else and my wishlist grows like my music wish list
  23. abasio


    Any new albums that are great for summer? I've been listening to some old Prog which fits the bill. I'm playing a set at the beach this summer again so I'd like some coold beach tracks (chill)
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