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Everything posted by abasio

  1. abasio

    V/A - Nekton Falls

    Why would you even listen to this? It so far from your taste, I am amazed you would buy this (free from saiko sounds) because if you just downloaded this I don't think you'd really appreciate it. Saying that, I didn't expect many people to like it, but I do when I am in the mood.
  2. This album would really fit on a warm summers day at the beach. The atmosphere is very fitting with a brilliant summery feel. You might like it winter but I reckon you'd love it in summer
  3. I have never been much of a fan of poetry that rhymes too much
  4. Rino does have some great English skills, sometimes even I am jealous
  5. Would it be possible for a mod to clean up this thread? Murphy, can you see the quote button. You can use it to quote multiple people at the same time. Also can you see the edit button? You can use it to edit your previous posts so that you don't need to post 4 or 5 posts in quick succession! I'm sorry but repeated quoting is much more irritating to read in the reviews than a few short replies about the album in question. On Topic. I still love this, it has just the right level of ethnic for me
  6. So how did it all work out? Did you get your booklet? Who did you contact? By the way, I can't believe some responses to this thread were punished whereas others were blatantly tolerated
  7. Take this out when it comes to summer then report back
  8. The spamming in the reviews is really annoying when trying to read on my cell phone. Can a mod get the members who reply to the whole first post 6 times in a row in just a few minutes to stop. It is pointless annoying spam. We have a multi quote feature that can be used. It is much more annoying than a stupid response in General IMO
  9. You meant Psychedelic right?
  10. Do you mean that these artists have disappeared? Protoculture is Nate Ruben....something and has recently released this EP http://www.discogs.com/Sentrafuge-Dawn-Pat...release/1724911
  11. Nice! Ultimae have the sort of business model that makes me want to buy from them over anyone else! Customer Service
  12. Yeah, I understand you now. Most of my friends are either into pop or cheesy dance pop and whenever people say they can't stand music without melodies they are usually talking about obvious cheesy ones you get from Tiesto etc. Unfortunately this is what I expect the meaning to be from what you said.
  13. abasio

    Jedi or Trekkie?

    I am a trekkie by default. My mum loved The Next Generation and it was on every week after dinner on wednesdays (later almost every week day). I started liking it, got into the universe but never really got into the later series DS9 and Voyager although from what I hear they get a lot deeper than TNG did.
  14. I adore most of their stuff. I would probably be somewhere between the first two options. Solar Fields, Aes Dana, Fahrenheit Project and the Oxycantas are They have been usurped as my favourite ambient label recently though by databloe/dataobscura as my tastes become more & more chilled
  15. Ultimae have always been pretty kind! I'm sure if you contact them it will get sorted out. I once made a mistake with one of their promotions, but they still gave me a free CD even though I didn't actually buy 3 (Ultimae) CDs from their shop :clapping:
  16. Try this compilation if you want to hear some really un-melodious stuff
  17. I thought this was Dimension 5 but they only had 2 albums right? There was also a techno artist called Dimension 5 (D5) but they only had one album (alien artform?) if I remember correctly
  18. Well if they don't care about their music anymore, why should they care about their covers?
  19. Well, I actually don't like reading too detailed reviews. I do like writing them though but I never read other people's. That's why I have from this year written a succinct review followed by a track by track description so people can just read what they want and then stop.
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