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Everything posted by abasio

  1. abasio


    ott sounds really retarded (like skylon) so I don;t attribute it with the Hallucinogen in Dub album
  2. abasio


    I say oh tee tee
  3. I have no money but I still really must buy this!
  4. my thoughts np Nunc Stans - The Palm At The End Of The Mind
  5. That's the first post in this thread np The Winterhouse - Slow Promises
  6. Artist: H.U.V.A. Network (Aes Dana & Solar Fields) Title: Ephemeris Label: Ultimae Released: 12 Mar 2009 Style: Downbeat/Progressive Psy Tracklist 1. Dissolving Time (6:39) 2. .Blank (8:48) 3. Orientations Part 1 (Above Towns Edit) (9:07) 4. Orientations Part 2 (Ephemeride 15.43°) (7:47) 5. Orientations Part 3 (Uncertainty Principle) (8:44) 6. Cobalt (6:42) 7. Fade Away (6:18) 8. Diagrams (7:28) 9. Something Heavens (6:42) 10. Saturday Barbecue With New Neighbours (2:43) Solar Fields & Aes Dana two of Ultimae’s greatest artists with a long list of amazing releases behind them team up for the second time under the name H.U.V.A. (Humans Under Visual Atmospheres) Network. Now I was a little disappointed with the first album Distances because despite being a very solid enjoyable album it just wasn’t as good as either Vince or Magnus’ solo work. So with a second collaboration album have these two music maestros managed to put something together that is worthy of having both their names put next to it? Well yes & no really. Overall this is an enjoyable album as you would expect from Ultimae with melancholic atmosphere’s chilled out beats & beautiful melodies. Some of the tracks here are outstanding but for me there are just not enough of them and the flow of the album is spoilt for me by the two upbeat progressive sounding tracks in the middle of the album. The first two tracks are for me the weakest and no matter how many times I listen to the album they just refuse to grow on me. I have listened to this whilst going to bed, walking through the forest, on the train to work, taking a bath, strolling along the beach & various other locations & in different moods but I just don’t find them to be very good. Dissolving Time (T1) seems to be a perfect blend of the two artists with Aes Dana’s Rhythm and Solar Fields’ melodies but it sounds too forced and I am underwhelmed by it. .Blank (T2) is nice but is too long without progressing. Orientations (T1, T2 & T3) is where this album really picks up. All parts are very visual, psychedelic and take me on a journey. The first part is spacey like I am flying high in other dimensions while the second part brings me right down to Earth with the feeling that I am walking back home very early in the morning after a night out with no sleep and the sun beating down on me sideways. I’d love to hear the second part mixed in with Solar Fields – Air Song (8am Version). The final part reminds me of bleak English countryside and it progresses beautifully getting better & better as the track goes on making you wish it would never end. After Orientations come 2 upbeat tracks which for me spoil the flow of such a lovely chillout atmosphere. Cobalt (T6) is, stand alone, a fantastic progressive track reminiscent of Solar Fields – EarthShine. The lush melodies and ambient drones give this such a lot of atmosphere that it can send me on a very visual journey like ambient or Goa. Fade Away (T7) however is a nice but forgettable track. Diagrams (T8) is a welcome return to downbeat with a sublime melody in the second half but Something Heavens (T9) is for me the best on the album, the bass moves like a snake, the beats are so chilled and the lush eastern melodies are not so obvious but still powerful and overall I am left feeling very satisfied. As if to punctuate the hit & miss element of the album, Sunday Barbeque With New Neighbours is a drab little number to end the album that doesn’t ask to be remembered. Recommendation: Overall this is a solid album with some really amazing tracks thrown in. The main weaknesses are a lack of flow, not helped by the two progressive tracks or their position on the album and some tracks that are just average & not very memorable. Stunning artwork again by Ultimae on the cover & booklet and Orientations & Something Heavens are worth the money alone Favourites: 3,4,5,6,9 Originally published at http://www.isratrance.com Track By Track Analysis 1. Dissolving Time We start off with Dissolving Time and it's straight into a 4-4 beat with Aes Dana's stamp all over it. Lying under this Aes Dana-ness is some very Solar Fields style melodies and atmosphere. This track really feels like a blend of the two artists much more than anything on the debut H.U.V.A. Network’s album. Despite being a perfect blend of two fantastic artists it fails to really grab me. I can here each of them putting in their tried and tested stuff and while maybe in 10 years time it'll be a great nostalgic track at the moment it is a little underwhelming. This is a solid start but nothing spectacular. 2. .Blank .Blank reminds me more of Solar Fields than it does Aes Dana but I can definitely here subtle traces of Aes Dana magic, the soft yet entrancing bassline for example is something I associate with him rather than Solar Fields. I like this track a lot more than the opener as it just feels more natural and not a forced blend. It has all the atmosphere I like from Solar Fields with enough that is not Magnus to make it new and interesting. My only problem is that it goes a little too long without really progressing. 3. Orientations Part 1 (Above Towns Edit) For me the Orientations trilogy is where this album really picks up. The first part is a trippy spacey track with a deep growling bassline, subtle eastern melodies and the sound of rain (I love rain) in the breakdown. It manages to actually take my mind into it and then fling on its journey. This is a very nice and very visual track. 4. Orientations Part 2 (Ephermeride 15.43°) Is another very nice track, it starts of very ambient almost like Solar Fields' Extended album. The Intro gives me a great feeling of still being awake in the early morning walking down empty streets passing closed shops and feeling the sun beat down almost sideways. The energy slowly picks up though and you can feel it coming about a minute before so when the beat finally kicks in it's like a long awaited surprise. The beat itself is slow and plodding a fits in perfectly with the early morning feel. To me it feels like the last leg of the walk home when you start going that little bit faster knowing you are going to be able to sleep very soon. 5. Orientations Part 3 (Uncertainty Principle) Orientations rounds off with the best part. Uncertainty Principle has a lot of great elements in it, lush beats that steady but seem to rustle when they hit and a long melody that at first seems to do nothing but once you can see the big picture it shows itself to be a great work of art. There is loads of atmosphere and little psychedelic sounds and when the beat becomes stronger I get a feeling that I am being driven slowly forwards on waves of sound over bleak countryside under grey skies. The melody being so big and long constantly changes and in my opinion gets better the further into the track we go. I do believe it is the sign of a great track if it gets better and better right to the end and makes you feel disappointed that it has to end.  6. Cobalt Cobalt is a much more upbeat track in more of a progressive style. Imagine the lighter tracks on Solar Fields' Earthshine album then make it a touch lighter again. That's Cobalt. As I said with that album I will say for this track, this is how all progressive could sound like if it was Psychedelic. The lush melodies and ambient drones give this such a lot of atmosphere that it can send me on a very visual journey like ambient or Goa music. 7. Fade Away Another upbeat track but this one feels heavier if not faster. The sounds all feel a little harder and for me there is less of a storytelling element. It is still a nice track but it doesn't have enough to grab my attention especially after the 4 great tracks that preceded it. 8. Diagrams Diagrams is a welcome return to ambient or at least trippy downtempo. The intro is long and wobbly with distant oscillating sounds that draw closer as they get slower sounding like a helicopter coming in to land nearby. The first half to be fair is a bit noodly but the sublime melody in the second half more than makes up for it. To be honest I would have preferred to hear the melody develop with softer beats but you can't have everything now can you? 9. Something Heavens This is probably my favourite track on the whole album. It starts out with some brief melodic bursts & a bassline that moves smoothly in a lush snakelike manner. The beats are sublimely chilled & when the melody comes fully in it is a beautiful melody over haunting atmospheric drones. The progression throughout is very nice with little twists & turns as well as complete changes in melody & energy. With about 2 and a half minutes to go it really kicks into another gear after being lead by an interesting eastern melody before dropping down into a lush chilled finish. 10. Sunday Barbeque With New Neighbours Sunday Barbeque With New Neighbours is a short track to round off the album. Like Sunday Barbeque With The Neighbours off of the first album it has a dark edge to it like rain clouds on the horizon ready to spoil the fun of the occasion. Other than that there is not much to it & it is a kind of disappointing way to round off the album.
  7. For me it is Psychedelic & Entranc(e)ing therefore can be PsyTrance albeit very horizontal
  8. That track is Great
  9. This remains my favourite Jairamji track
  10. Yeah, I haven't put my many pictures here for quite a while. No idea if anyone's actually looking at them
  11. 13,5 hours? The second track?
  12. I love it when that happens! I keep everything in my saiko wantlist as occasionally some OOP things come in and if you are quick you can snap them up
  13. Nunc Stans (APK) - The Palm at the End of the Mind Thinking of getting some of Wallace Stevens books
  14. The PMs are really annoying! They make feel loved only to disappoint me with spam
  15. I was offered that but turned it down. Waiting for the CDs They came well quick BTW
  16. How do you like it? NP TCR - Degrees Of Seperation. Not as good as that one but still pleasant and very very relaxed
  17. Now it is I am right because my friends agree? You sound like Radi before he grew up
  18. Why hate a man drawing with Crayola? Unless he is drawing something offensive! No one will rave about it & probably no one except his mum will like it but to hate crappy drawings is harsh. I think the main reason people hate things like The Mona Lisa is all the hype surrounding it. It is considered one of the greatest pieces of art of all time & for what? It is at the end of the day just a straight forward painting of a woman. Yet it is when people harp on about the mystery of her smile & the how the eyes follow you around the room that I start to have more negative feelings towards it. I am sure she is smiling because she is sitting for a painting and I have noticed many portraits have eyes that seem to look at you from wherever you stand. I think it's a sign of an inability to paint focused eyes. Either way I don;t hate the Mona Lisa, I hate the hype. I don't hate Mozart, I hate the hype. I love Simon Posford but I hate Siomn Sycophants that praise anything he does. He could fart & someone would call it art Some people are praised a lot more than their talent deserves whereas other people I think have more talent go completely unheard of. But of course this is just my highly subjective opinion.
  19. James Murray - Gaijin On a deserted Tokyo street in the early morning (impossible unfortunately )
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