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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I agree with Drosophila the long dreamy intros & the downbeat track at the end usually add bookends to the journey. I myself don't like it when an album just starts full pace then ends abruptly still at full pace. That is what (for me) most of the worst albums do. And yes, crap albums have to put their best or most memorable tracks at the end to leave an impression. Impressive albums have no need for such cheap tricks. Cliche or not I like the downbeat tracks at the end of albums just like I like slower tracks towards the end of a DJ set.
  2. abasio

    Recent ratings

    4.5/10 would be just below average in my ratings too. I recently saw Shutter an american remake of a Thai movie that I am sure was better but this one was pretty good in my book. The story is a bit cheesy, Spirit Photos where you can see the ghosts only in photos (or sometimes reflections) but it gets better as it unfolds and the I was quite moved in the end. The final image was one of the most haunting I have seen. 6/10 (Just above average, enjoyable)
  3. That sucks Bombard them with emails and phone calls until you get this sorted out
  4. Gone!
  5. Well, if you have something to trade
  6. I have found myself with an extra copy of Secede - Tryshasla and while I would be quite happy to have a back up just in case the unthinkable happens, I am willing to trade it for something below, Boyd In The Void Woob - Woob 1194 Woob - Woob² 4495 Solar Quest - Orgisms/Orgship Darshan - Awakening Etnica - The Juggeling Alchemists Under The Black Light http://www.discogs.com/%C3%84lien-Mutation...se/114742"</a>%5dÄlien%20Mutation%20vs.%20Îndigo%20Egg%20-%20Microcosmacrocosm%5b/url%5d%5burl="http://www.discogs.com/Alien-Mutation-DNA/release/114740?ev=rr'>Alien Mutation - DNA Waki - Special (Box Set) Aes Dana - Aftermath Secede - Bye Bye Gridlock Traffic Yasume - Where We're From The Birds Sing A Pretty Song I might be persuaded by other items in my wantlist but it'll be harder I will not sell it as I don't need the money it would go for but if some crazy person wants to give me a hell of a lot of money for it so be it
  7. That's right Back in my paypal problem days
  8. Found another copy of
  9. Well, I hope you didn't pay too much for this one It will be re-released next month Click It seems they have plans to re-release all the mesmobeat albums :clapping:
  10. My post just came!........no CDs Oh well, I have a busy day planned so it would be a waste if it came today anyway. It'll no doubt come while I'm at work
  11. Everyone seems to have this already except me There are even two reviews in the review section! That was damn fast Must be easily accesible np
  12. Japan often gets bonus tracks, due to releases often being timed very different in Japan and the rest of the world & it being such a big market for music (yes people here actually still buy CDs) it a way to encourage people to buy & not steal
  13. Listened to this once at it was pretty good. I have the japanese version & I liked what I heard. Not old school but not shitty generic fullon, more somewhere in between but not just a crappy mix of the two. Needs more listens
  14. Jeremy Chinour? Yep that's his work. The album's pretty good after one listen
  15. What ones are you wanting? Schizm is ace just like EVERYTHING ON GI'IWA
  16. All of Tribal Matrix 2 would be good to hear at Dakini Nights
  17. Nice! A remix album is something I'd likely want and Let's hope on that one ay?
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