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Everything posted by abasio

  1. abasio


    Ultimae vs Native State/Somnia records 1. Solar Fields - Air Song (Leaving Home) 2. Shulman - NN3 (Left Coast Liquid Vol.1) 3. Ochi Brothers - Flowing Synergy (Fahrenheit Project Part 4) 4. Shen - Embrace (Deadbeat's Soaking In The Dub Remix) (Bioluminescence) 5. Carbon Based Lifeforms - MOS 6581 (Hydroponic Garden) 6. Bluetech - Cosmologic (Elementary Particles) 7. Vibrasphere - San Pedro (Fahrenheit Project Part 2) 8. Kilowatts -Hang Gliding (Ground State) 9. Asura - XP Continuum (Code Eternity) 10. Bluetech - A Delicate Mystery (New Life Mix) (Phoenix Rising) 11. I Awake - Unleashed (The Core) 12. Nalepa - Porcelain (Beneath The Surface) 13. Solar Fields - Planet Zoo (Blue Moon Station) 14. Evan Marc + Steve Hillage - Theta Phase (Dreamtime Submersible) 15. Sgnl_fltr - Waters (Oxycanta : Winter Blooms) 16. Krill.Minima - Nautica (Nautica) 17. Irukandji - Whales Street (Fahrenheit Part 6) 18. Rena Jones - Driftwood (Driftwood) 19. H.U.V.A. Network - Rain Geometries (Distances) 20. Motionfield - Embrace (Optical Flow) 21. Sync24 - White Pixels (Source) 22. Juxta Phona & Offthesky - Fantabulous Snuff! (!Escape Kit!) 23. Aes Dana - Dusts (Memory Shell) 24. Evan Bartholomew - Soft Spots In The Tyranny Of Matter (Secret Entries Into Darkness) 25. Carbon Based Lifeforms - World Of Sleepers (World Of Sleepers) 26. Evan Bartholomew - Reborn, We Fluctuate And Fade (Caverns Of Time) 27. Hybrid Leisureland - Trampoline Hotel (Oxycanta) 28. Emanuele Errante - Magic Wood (Humus) 29. Solar Fields - Air Song 8am (Extended) Download Link a few suspect mixes but hey ho there you go
  2. Yes! Buy it, it is definitely worth the tiny cost of $10, it's worth much much more. Definitely :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Go Jikkenteki
  3. I think we have that this year Probably more if I had the time/money to search through the CRAP!!!!! That's the kind of "Dark" I like too. One cancer is that when you say dark people automatically assume you mean darkpsy! :wank: It's the same with other descriptions, full on got turned into a genre & now you can't say something is Full on with \out people thinking you mean generic cheesy fullon I described in a review that a track sounded industrial meaning that it had a feeling of industry, big machines moving, production lines etc NOT the genre industrial but someone had a go at me for describing it as industrial The problem is people pigeonhole words into genres. Say you like psytrance and most people will think regular trance like Tiesto or say I don't like that techno shit! The more informed non psy head will still assume you like cheesy Israeli fullon :wank: :wank: :wank:
  4. I think it might just be. There are a lot of things associated with it that aren't associated with other scenes or other walks of life & a lot of these things are not quite understood by other people so I'd guess there is a sub culture there as there is with a lot of underground scenes as they have there own styles, loves, hates, customs & taboos
  5. There is lots of Ultimae ordering going on then All I'm missing is Aftermath No reprint of that
  6. I've never noticed any problems at all! Maybe you have a duff copy
  7. You can listen to samples here I'm not so impressed to be honest, never am with samples though
  8. Pan Electric & Ishq - Being There
  9. But 1 euro? For 3 or 4 tracks that's cool CBL - Hydroponic Garden is cool as is Aes Dana -Season 5 enjoy
  10. Waters of the 3rd Millennium
  11. It's already been re-released! Don't tell me you missed it???
  12. sweet! Super sweet! Sweet sweet sweeeeeeeeeeet!!!!
  13. Pan Electric & Ishq - Everchange
  14. 1€? Damn that's sweet :clapping:
  15. M-Sphere - Blue Summer :posford:
  16. Very Nice
  17. Love the train sounds there :posford: :posford: :posford:
  18. Cheers, they look pretty cool
  19. Not sure about a top 10 at the moment but my all time favourite is Carl Cox - F.A.C.T. especially Trancesetters - Secrets Of Meditation (Shi-Take Mix)
  20. Sync24 - White Pixels
  21. Aye I haven't got Primordial Atmospheres, is it in Saiko? (don't need to reply to that actually I can look for myself ) Want that and the new one in my december order. It will be my last big order of the year so I want it to be good. Kaya Project is going in there too What???? :pissed: How dare you insult my asshole! I'm going to overreact & have a big hissy fit :angry: Oh it was a joke! I see it now
  22. Samples & downloads in my brain always sound SHITE!!!! It's like I haven't paid for it so what's the point. This is an expensive brain disease I have got here :wank:
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