1. Lustmord - Dark Companion
2. Steve Roach - Cloud Of Unknowing
3. Robert Davies - Arcane Reservoir Of Knowledge
4. Nostalgia - Beyond Horizon
5. The Circular Ruins - The Abyss Of Proof
6. Amir Baghiri - Acheron
7. Robert Rich & B. Lustmord - Hidden Refuge
8. Raison D'Etre - Wasteland
9. Lustmord - Testament
10. Lammergeyer - Genesis
11. Cymphonic - Gracilis
12. Nostalgia - Black Sun
13. Raison D'Etre - Towards Desolation
14. Atrium Carceri - Static Of The Kapnobatai
15. The Circular Ruins - Immer Du
16. False Mirror - Plato's Last Dream
Love Banco De Gaia
Similar artists?
Try Kaya Project & Jairamji
not exactly the same but I think if you like the ethnic style without going to overboard, you may like them
I also played some Mystery of The Yeti at a night recently & someone commented how Banco it sounded (it was an upbeat excerpt though)
OK it's not a recent CD but one I have ignored until recently
Great tracks from Aes Dana, Bluetech, Shen, Kritcal Audio, Vataff Project, Hibernation & Shulman (ishq remix )
The rest are good. Definitley worth checking out :clapping:
I bet it will be shit!
Everything he does is a big bag of shite :wank:
Magnus just seems to get better & better. My hopes are dangerously high for this album
Anyone heard about this group?
Jan Müller from X-Dream with his wife & Xavier Morel who I'm sure did a great track with Graham Wood on FFR Turbulence
Was just made aware of this new album Prime Suspect - Bang!
Anyone heard this? Is it really cheesy with Jan's wife singing?