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Everything posted by abasio

  1. So far my favourite tracks are Chill Evan Marc + Steve Hillage - Theta Phase Aes Dana – Lysistrata The Nature Of Light - Time Stands Still Fast Jikkenteki - Symplicity Afgin - From The Heart (Tribute to Wonderboy) Tamlin - Playtime Adventure & The Turrican themed secret track
  2. You are thinking of today's vinyl buyer, the music otaku that spends time staring at the disc before he even puts it on. Back in the day when vinyl was the only format available the majority of buyers didn't look too intently at the grooves & just put it on.
  3. Michael Andresen, top notch ambient & prog producer has put his music for free download on his site http://www.12moons.se/. All the albums are fantastic, I particularly like the Healer albums but 12 Moons progressive style is so warm & nice that everyone should get it. Check it out
  4. I think some of the beatles albums did but I'm not sure, nothing springs to mind except a conversation with my father about it when I was younger.
  5. Well, if you look at discogs it says that Goldfish is 13:50 but it is only 8:44 there is a short, maybe 5 second, gap then a downbeat track comes on. Really nice stuff but definitely a different track.
  6. This was my opinion of it until I gave it a serious listen. Am doing the same with Escape Kit
  7. While having the extra track is nice, why do they hide it? I can imagine years ago on vinyl on releases it was a surprise but now with CDs we can see that the last track is 20 minutes long on the display but only 7 minutes on the cover, so how much silence before the last track? I've said it before & I'll say it again Why don't they just include the hidden track on the cover & have it at the end. Call it a bonus or whatever but DON'T! DON'T have 10 minutes of silence wasting space on your alum. Hol Bauman, CBL I'm looking at you!!! Colorbox did it right, the hidden track was after maybe 5 seconds of silence :posford:
  8. That's actually my name
  9. The Circular Ruins - The Alchemy Concert The Circular Ruins - Conjunction The Circular Ruins - Empathy Test The Circular Ruins - Realm Of Possibility The Circular Ruins + Off The Sky - We All Fall Down
  10. Also try Global Communication - 76:14 a very nice melodically beautiful old ambient album
  11. Broken Summer A mix I made a few months ago, very nice I though Welcome back on line Psynews
  12. Well I'm not exactly sure if this is what you are looking for, it's nothing like Ulrich Schnauss, it's ambient with a lot of melody (piano, strings) & deep classical type emotion. Also it's free (click the link at the bottom) - The Nature Of Light - Shores Of Jupiter maybe a bit too droney but it's really nice Not much time at the moment but I'll think what else later, I second all of P(sy)ayam's recommendations though :clapping: (except Subheim - Approach as I've never heard it)
  13. Blue Planet Corporation - Arcana
  14. Sandman - Mushroom Symphony
  15. The Nature Of Light - Shores Of Jupiter
  16. Really? I've met very few women that actually liked psytrance & weren't just going along with their boyfriend's taste!
  17. I've not heard it but with a title like Spam Filter, I'm not holding out much hope. A spam filter would let all the good stuff through but hold all the spam yeah? If you have a spam filter it's good if you are a spam filter that's beyond shite!
  18. 1. Etnica - Trip Tonite 2. Cydonia - Narco Nympho 3. Transwave - Ulysse Voyage 4. MFG - Mystic Dawn 5. Sandman - Mushroom Symphony 6. Hallucinogen - Angelic Particles (Ambient hidden track) 7. Blue Planet Corporation - Arcana 8. Colorbox - Train To Chroma City Hidden Track 9. Jaia - After The Rain 10. Astral Projection - Ambient Galaxy 11. MFG - Metamorphosis 12. The Green Nuns Of The Revolution - Atomic Armadillo (Exerpt) 13. Cosmosis - Skankadelic 14. Koxbox - Searching For Psychoactive Herbs
  19. Yep! All their rage comes out in the music, or so are the ones I've met. Still, when going to metal pits there have been some not so chilled characters
  20. 1. Etnica - Trip Tonite 2. Cydonia - Narco Nympho 3. Transwave - Ulysse Voyage 4. MFG - Mystic Dawn 5. Sandman - Mushroom Symphony 6. Hallucinogen - Angelic Particles (Ambient hidden track) 7. Blue Planet Corporation - Arcana 8. Colorbox - Train To Chroma City Hidden Track 9. Jaia - After The Rain 10. Astral Projection - Ambient Galaxy 11. MFG - Metamorphosis 12. The Green Nuns Of The Revolution - Atomic Armadillo (Exerpt) 13. Cosmosis - Skankadelic 14. Koxbox - Searching For Psychoactive Herbs
  21. I can read Japanese but it takes much longer than reading English. To much of this nasty shit --->>> 除世普真義留
  22. + 6 screaming babies (the product of free love and using leaves as contraception)
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