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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Actually lots of artists don't seem to get many replies in the review section. Jikkenteki's albums for example & Tamlin I would have thought would have more comments on this site.
  2. Tried the Euphoria compilations? np SFX - Butterfly Trip
  3. I'm actually thinking of doing a set consisting of downtempo closing Goa tracks :drama:
  4. My lists seems to grow daily but I need to try and show some self control. Must rediscover all that I already have
  5. I think KURO (Takeichirou Kurosaki) is underrated. Judging by how few replies in the review thread here not many people have heard of it or appreciate it
  6. I still feel the magic even after a decade and a half in some cases
  7. This looks pretty interesting. Must check it out
  8. I don't have that many reviews at my place but they are in depth & it's set up like a forum so anyone can comment or add their own reviews (if they want)
  9. KURO - Revolution The opening track from the album of the same name. Inside an acid synth
  10. Have you tried Matsuri Productions or Matsuri Productions Tokyo? Also Tokyo Tecko Tribe Especially KURO - Revolution is great
  11. I think that would be better by the beach, maybe with a hotter girl than Angelina Jolie
  12. I think you are getting confused with 2 different things here. The album "Ghost Story" is a proper follow up album but that tracklist is just a mix, It was available at saikosounds but not anymore. Must have sold out.
  13. I bought this from Tower Records in Yokohama. Twas perfect! You guys need to kick some ass
  14. I downloaded a .rar file but I can't seem to do anything with it
  15. hi from bigbacterials,

    welcome 2my bacterials life

    bo0om and enjoy :)

  16. Some people have no taste. Amazingly 50% of the Americans I have met have had great taste, the other 50% have sucked. Better than most nationalities I have met. Then again most of the Americans I've met have been travelers & American travelers are a breed apart Tell them to fuck off & play what you want. If they don't get it just tell them they are not intelligent enough to understand it. You'd be amazed how many morons this will bring round or at least shut up. The Emperor's new clothes works all the time 60% of the time
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