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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I wrote that because it's how I feel! I like this so much that I think people who don't like (it's fine to not like it by the way) will have music taste vastly different to my own (not bad taste, different) so going to their houses & listening to their choice of music would not be fun. OK maybe saying "I don't want to listen to your crap" was harsh but hell, I'm not a professional writer & this CD stirred a lot of emotion in me! If you don't like my taste, then why do you bother reading my reviews. They are pretty long & can't be that interesting for you. I don't review too many CDs that I don't like so if you don't like what I like & don't want to read my rave about music you don't like then the answer is simple; don't bother reading my reviews. Or just check the end! One thing I'm not going to do is say music I like is bad & say music I don't like is good just to please some faceless internet guy I've never met. Remember mate, taste is taste. Taste is taste mate! Just because you like something doesn't mean it is good. Just because you don't like something it doesn't mean it is bad. Unless of course an artist just releases old material rehashed & pretends it's new. That is crap. But usually I uphold the principle of taste is taste. You seem to believe otherwise. Fine. But don't start slagging me off for giving my (well thought out, I thought) opinion. By the way I listen to all genres of music but these electronic styles are by far my favourite. Not keen on guitar music I think this album is interesting throughout even the 30 odd minute track. I put this on the other day after not listening to it for a while & the music still managed to make me feel fantastic. I really do love it
  2. Post count is more important than actual conversation/information I was listening to really summery music, as I played a couple of sets down at the beach. My last one was 1. The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds (Live Mix) a live mix of their classic, lovely warm dub feeling 2. Subgardens - Listen to the Flowers Grow (Aes Dana Remix) more warm summery sounds and delicious beats that feel like they are moving sideways 3. Rena Jones - Driftwood A warm watery track like looking out over the ocean 4. Vibrasphere - San Pedro brilliant track with some spanish guitars and the most amazing melody towards the end 5. Shpongle - Crystal Skulls (Western Rebel Alliance Remix) A remix that is better than the original, fast beats & warm guitars nicely used 6. Hallucinogen - L.S.D. World of Sheet Strings Mix Another remix that's better than the original, fantastic beats & bass 7. Mood Deluxe - Tangent Universe quick heavy beats & a cool donnie darko sample at the end 8. Nuclear Ramjet - Cloud Sailors nice warm realxed proggy trance with a nice floating melody 9. OTT - Billy The Kid Strikes Back OTT's best psy dub track, the change in melody at the end is great 10. Solar Fields - Small Little Green Cubes everything Solar Fields does turns to gold, this relaxed electro-ish track is one of my favourites at the moment 11. The Orb - Appletree In My Backward (Abasio's Extended Mix) sounds like little fluffy clouds yet even warmer, more summery & warmer 12. Abakus - Igamatik from the most summery album I've ever heard 13. Nada - Earth Garden great relaxed summer dub 14. Abakus - Nightwalker another from the most summery album, great sample about not wanting to get hooked 15. Ulrich Schnauss - Nobody's Home moving into IDM territory, this is beautiful melodious stuff with a nice driving synth 16. Secede - Leraine warm & summery with a melancholic edge 17. Kettel - Twinkle Twinke a track that really does twinkle. great kettel melodies & beats 18. Plaid - Rakimou just got into plaid & loved this track from the not for threes album. Nice haunting vocals, cool broken beats 19. Kettel - Sekt I Sing rounded off with another track from kettel with great beats & typical kettel melodies Download link got distracted partway through when some hottie started chatting & praising me (so I fucked up )
  3. That sounds about right. I guess they'll release it just after christmas, ie maximum money lost due to delaying it I never know why they delay albums (unless the music is not ready of course) waiting for artwork doesn't seem like a valid excuse (especially with the shitty covers they've had recently) & problems printing shouldn't be every single time
  4. Secede ft Kettel - Leraine
  5. Ulrich Schnauss - Crazy For You
  6. They build up the suspense just so we lose interest. I still haven't bought OTT - Skylon. When it was first announced it was a must buy then I got bored of delays etc & it slipped out of my buy field
  7. Everything is all over the place with no order whatsoever. Whatever style of mix I am currently working on, all the best CDs of that genre are in a big heap near my practice decks. Not a great way to do it but I tried all the ordering by label, artist etc but it was all undone very soon.
  8. The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds
  9. Maybe he really doesn't like them?
  10. Omni Trio - Skeleton Keys
  11. How did I miss this reply? Not done that for a while, the pissing I mean. God knows how many replies I've missed/ignored
  12. It's things like this that put me off buying from places like kagdila. It gives the impression that you're going to get screwed about. Not sure if Kagdila would & if they don't they should really look at their advertising. It's up there with Japan's buy one for ¥100 or 10 for ¥1100 (you need to pay for the box) or Burger King's Deli Range slogan "We only use the freshest vegetables for our new deli range" <- so you put old stinky veggies on everything else then? I think I'll stop eating any BK from now on!
  13. Kuba - The Most Beautiful Sunset Really nice summery psy chill with a slight dubby edge. Feels like summer in a bowl
  14. Solar Fields - Small Little Green Cubes Utterly amazing! :posford:
  15. Phew!!! Had me worried there for a moment.
  16. Most important is feeling, then creativity, arrangement then production! But an album must have feeling, if there is no feeling then there is nothing the rest can do to make up for it.
  17. Send me a copy & I'll happily review it
  18. Sweet!!! Definitely worth buying.
  19. Getting some summery beach music going
  20. I don't usually put numbers or grades to music. I just describe. Utter shite vomit crap avoid at all costs up to an almost perfect masterpiece!
  21. No worries! Mine sometimes just automatically switches to shit mode! I have no idea what kind of person prefers that
  22. So? What's the verdict? Do you like it? Still after all this time I enjoy listening to each album. Not as much as I did at first but still pretty damn good stuff
  23. Much love for Avatar, they re-released Violent Relaxation by Total Eclipse which along with many other re-releases were very much appreciated. There original stuff as well can be pretty good although I'll remember them more for their re-releases!
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