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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Leaving home is an outstanding album. The problem with samples is that it is the ultimate shallow listen so you'll miss a lot of great deep music by going on an initial boredom from the samples
  2. I'm sad to say that all that Engrish made perfect sense to me
  3. There is very little time when I'm not listening to music. I fall alseep to it, it plays all through the night & through my dreams. I listen to it when I lie in bed waiting to get up & when I'm getting ready. Listen on my way to work & all the time I'm at work. On my way back I have my headphones back on & at home I play music until I go to bed. Repeat this every day only pausing to socialise with non music people & see how natural listening to music is
  4. Bluetech vs Shulman - Midnight Bloom
  5. what did you think of nothing lasts..?
  6. It definitely needs the right mood
  7. Sure is Alien Protein
  8. It's pretty good, very musical like his ishq work If you liked Orchid you should like this even if you are not a fan of his elve & ishvara type stuff np CD1 The first half of the CD sounded a bit too hammed up indian hippie stuff but after about track 5 it gets so good
  9. The samples sound really good The cover looks great, I hope ultimae don't change their cover art to any other style, just as I hope they don't change their musical style. If all the music sounds the same to you then don't bother with the label anymnore. Sure the music is a style of it's own but each release has it's own intracate nuance that make it really good for someone who really listens to their music. If you are a casual listener you should probably not bother with artists or labels that keep their styles the same as you will always be disappointed with the lack of variety because the variety is all in the deeper levels.
  10. Got a quick reply from Rob at Sonic Dragon, he tells me the correct tracklist is 1. Clouds of Indigo 2. Planet X 3. Tree Bark Dreams 4. Smiling Buddha 5. Lhasa Oblongata 6. ixland / Clearlight 7. Home
  11. I don't think there is any limited edition, could be wrong but I don't think celestial dragon go in for that kind of tom foolery
  12. it's out, I bought it Tracklist on the back is wrong. There are only 7 tracks so I have no idea of the error. The music is Good! Availale at saikosounds also
  13. No, that's my biggest peeve about FAX and the ambient genre in general, there is just so much that I know we are all missing out on really good stuff
  14. Yeah that's probably my favourite on the album so far. Only given the chill side a sleepy listen & the upbeat side is on now :posford:
  15. Didn't you put the two in the same place in the shop?
  16. any more coming pixie?
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