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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I like this cover. It's descriptive of the music, it screams DON'T BUY THIS HORRIBLE GUITAR RIDDEN SHITE!!!! and I wont
  2. Rena Jones - Aurora Borealis
  3. He he the only album in 2007 I bought twice
  4. It's suomi influenced crazy ass shit
  5. do you have yellow or colours of shiva?
  6. Evan Bartholomew - Secret entries into darkness
  7. Cool! Hope to get mine soon :posford:
  8. Kwook - Unidentified Feathered Object
  9. There was some damn good stuff released last year
  10. Yeah I like that! Gonna put some of that into a new wet mix I'm planning. This one will truly be wet np
  11. False Mirror - Chronostatic Scenes
  12. The DataObscura stuff arrived I have to go to work so can't listen to it yet Need an early night tonight & tomorrow night Working all day tomorrow Need some time to listen to these! Have a full weekend to myself though
  13. Pan Electric - Conscious Pilot
  14. I'm actually waiting on too much, That Hol Baumann album, Evan Bartholomew's new CD, another from the somnia website & 5 or 6 databloem/dataobscura albums. Damn! I hate waiting
  15. I agree with Synogen. I'm optimistic too. Remember the good old days when the music was not popular & there were just a handful of releases & they were all good to great? With the Fullon crowd & the shitty dark crowd fucking off into something else it leaves the quality PSYCHEDELIC scene to rise from the old scenes ashes. It will never die it will just change. Skazi & the like are no longer psy but they use the moniker. The music will survive but it wont be called psytrance. Hopefully
  16. Astral Projection - The Feelings Oh the feeeeeeelings
  17. I'm still waiting for my databloem order! Wait Wait Wait
  18. Yep! That & most of his negative reviews were awesome! He should stick to reviewing crap. I knew I'd lost interest when he posted that he was not going to review any more crap. I thought, "then what is the point of your site?" Sad but true. Someone needs to take over from him to review the crapola out there
  19. Hey, I'm sure this will be great. But I always hope that better stuff will be released. Because if this is great but something else is better, that something else would have to be absolutely amazing. There is always hope. As an artist I'm sure you want to be the best. As a listener I just want to listen to more & more great stuff. The better the better
  20. What was the worst was that his enthusiasm was infectious & no matter how many times I got burned buying shite he raved about, I still got excited by his enthusiasm. I'm not that sad that psyreviews has gone. I'll miss his reviews of crap but his taste was too different from mine to bother taking seriously.
  21. What I mean is there is 10 and a half more months of 2008 to go. There may be loads more released that could be better than this. I'm sure this will be great so it will be fantastic if there are better releases this year PS Damn! I wish I got promos
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