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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Great! Downloading now!
  2. nice profile modding you got there B)

  3. Deviant Electronics - Blunt Instruments Ooze - Where the Fields Never End Sorry Pandamonium, I really didn't mean to go stealing your goodies but I couldn't resist these two! Buying these means less food this month
  4. Thanks guys I made another one but fucked it up half way through and it was probably too long anyway at 3.5 hours! Still, gonna try a similar one without fucking it up
  5. Pimpin' Hope things work out for you mate!
  6. Cheers! I hope to solve my problems by teaching private students but they all end up making kissy faces at me & make it kind of obvious that they would rather date & practice English for free! The only problem there is I need the money!!! Otherwise Well no not really! It's a fine line between making them think if they take enough lessons with you then they'll be able to get somewhere & not giving in Anyway! Watch the what new music did you get today thread, once I'm posting in their a lot again, either my company recovered, I got a new job or I'm whoring myself out for cash! There's so much I want
  7. Shame you didn't read through through the thread before making this claim! I do believe it was mentioned twice
  8. That's more like it!!!! Worst cover that's been in this thread in ages! BTW I like the blue lunar monkey one
  9. I have already started! Cash in Hand! No tax Damn! Don't buy from Japan then I save money when I buy direct from Ultimae
  10. & HUVA Networks is some twisted Hybrid of the two
  11. The Irresistible Force - Space is the Place (Intergalactic Ambient Mix)
  12. Solar Fields - Earthshine is the only thing I think I can afford in the near future
  13. Aha! That's why I couldn't post All I can say is I can't wait until November 8th I also can't afford this but I will still get it. Top of the list now is Solar Fields - Earthshine
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