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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Kettel - Little Duck, When Is Our Day?
  2. I just put in a large order at saiko sounds & that CD was not offered among their freebies!!
  3. eleven???
  4. David Bickley & Tom Green - Erebus and Terror Various Artists - Highway Amir Baghiri - Planet X Danny Kreutzfeldt - Counterperipheral Danny Kreutzfeldt - Closelands Off The Sky - The Geist Cycles Polyploid - Grow Your Own Spielerei & Mantacoup - Cold War Various Artists - Nekton Falls
  5. Principles of Flight - A Heavy Responsibility
  6. There's a whole mix of styles too from ambient to full on!!
  7. Hydroponic Garden is out of stock Try this Asura - Life2 and Tea Chairz - Tea Chairs Luomuhappo - Pog-O-Matic Pogomen 3000000 Principles Of Flight - Night Time Lullabies Far East Technology Mood Deluxe - A Tangent Universe Oxycanta Vajra I loved all of these & could fit your tastes too.
  8. Electrypnose - We do we go?
  9. Try spending more than a $100 at saiko sounds & see if they give it too you! You can cancel the order before it's finalised if they tell you it's out of stock!
  10. Green Nuns of the Revolution - Rock Bitch Mafia
  11. hehehe, always check the date of the 1st post! People have been bumping old threads like crazy here!!! It's a lose lose situation! Start a new thread & people tell you about all the other threads in the past that you should have used! Bump a thread & everyone gets confused & noone replies
  12. Green Nuns of the Revolution - Octofunk
  13. I don't think he is! The last shpongle album might not have been to your taste but there was a lot of fresh new ideas in it! It didn't sound like their previous 2 efforts at all where as the last entheogenic album just rehashed the first 2! They actually used the same samples!
  14. Kettel - Whisper Me Wishes
  15. I'm curious as to what clubs people are going to that don't have high quality speakers! Everywhere I've attended has had kick ass speaker systems
  16. Secede & Solar Fields Secede & Asura Secede & Aes Dana Secede & Carbon Based Lifeforms just curious how the styles would blend!!
  17. I'd like to hear a chilled album from Jaïa!!!
  18. Vangelis - Tears in Rain
  19. I guess he listened to the 1st CD & just extrapolated without listening to the other one :drama:
  20. Hope it's not as boring as the last one. I still haven't managed to find that one interesting.
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