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Everything posted by abasio

  1. ManMadeMan - Desire (Bumbling Loons Remix) :wub: Just got the bit where it tries to fade out but then kicks back in
  2. do you mean take myself off firefox or use firefox? Probably the former as I am using firefox (firefox is so shit, it's spell checker doesn't even recognise the word firefox ) I'll try opera!
  3. +0.9999..... Different doesn't mean good but it's good to be different
  4. Some people are just shit! They will take any liberty to further their own life without ever thinking about who they hurt! This CUNT STAIN (yes that's what he is) knows that people in this scene don't have enough money for expensive lawsuits & probably sees this as having no negative consequences for himself. Lets just hope enough people learn of this & never do business or even talk to him again! Then he will learn that everything has consequences.
  5. is that a band name or are you really listening to the rustling of nature's beauty?
  6. Eat Static - Brassneck I'm loving this album!!
  7. It's nice but not mind blowing! I've listened to Eat Static's new album a lot more & I only got it a day & a half ago
  8. Yeah I don't think I'd like any pictures of me at any of those parties! From what I remember I did not look attractive I remember people getting some amazing pics of the parties we had in Thailand! The 5 day beach party was excellent if I recall (which I don't really )
  9. Just a stream? can I download it? Streamed music sounds too choppy on my PC The track list looks great (what is the carbon based lifeforms track?)
  10. Just about to put on DJ Draeke - 777 System Set
  11. Damn my wallet is groaning with the thought of parting with yet more money
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