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Everything posted by abasio

  1. You're just obsessing, his music didn't last in my ears!
  2. Yeah, Slinky Wizard is There are no slinky wizard tracks I don't adore
  3. Nice np Loumuhappo - Pog-o-matic pogomen 3000000
  4. Gonna pre order mine on the 1st! When ,y credit card goes back to Zero
  5. Been umming and ahhing over this one here should I get it or not?
  6. I loved their track on Fahrenheit Project 2 on Ultimae. Have they done much doen tempo stuff?
  7. abasio


    here's a new link then clicky
  8. Don't care! I take care of my CDs (actually I don't make any effort to, I'm obviously just not that rough with them like some people) Both are fine, as long as the music inside is good I'm happy
  9. Yeah! Vol2 is better but vol1 gets better each time I listen to it.
  10. abasio


    Yeah, it's not the most polished but I liked it
  11. Yeah! I gave this another listen today & thought it was pretty damn good
  12. Unfortunately I've not been to see anyone big for a while back in the day I went to see so much, all the time but I was so wasted that I can't remember shit! I know I've seen Hallucinogen Astral IM The Flying Rhino Boys Tristan Cosmosis MFG The Green Nuns Leftfield The Orb Eat Static but I've been at much more. I was in Thailand & india for about 6 months & went to a load of parties but don't remember 1 single artist I saw.
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