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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Hehehe! Everyone has guilty little pleasures np Britney Spears really playing my sig
  2. abasio


    The pretty girl went bye bye Maybe more will return soon The mix was inspired by Japan, the rainy country
  3. Maybe you should, it's pretty nice
  4. They sound great espaecially for home listening/ambient but they are a wee bit painful on my oversized ears
  5. Pleiadians - Starbase 11 On the bridge of the enterprise punching William Shatner repeatedly in the face until he lets you have the triple breasted alien woman he's been hiding in his quarters
  6. I quite like GMS though. They never released a single length album np: Pleiadians - Starbase 11
  7. Khetzal Sucks Skazi Rocks Seriously though, Corolle was a great album. My favourite was the 1st track. Felt so natural
  8. I grew to love Oxycanta so much. So soft & beautiful
  9. The name rings a bell but none of the CD covers do Sorry! *insert sorry smiley*
  10. I blame TV for everything! I really do
  11. Took me ages to get into it but when I did did you give it a headphones listen yet?
  12. I bought some new headphones. Going to give it a listen through them. Now though giving my new databloem cds a whirl through them
  13. That road in the car adverts! You know, the really long straight one with no other cars
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