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Everything posted by abasio

  1. he hasn't aged well
  2. Best on the album so far for me
  3. So far, Secede ft Kettel - Leraine
  4. And here's me just off to work Will play Khetzal - Corolle on the way I think
  5. abasio


    That was exactly what I had to do! Thanks again
  6. abasio


    Sankyu berry machi How do I get the sound into the computer though? I use an analogue cable from my mixer, does that just plug into the back of my computer?
  7. As would I but I find so much music to be psychedelic
  8. Well I am one of these people that finds non evil things quite dark (and evil things stupid, dark psy hahaha) This track gave me a creepy feeling of a horror movie set in the brightness of the day time (which I find creepier) somewhere near That big rock. Maybe a sacrifice in the desert or something. Just a feeling
  9. It sucks! Steer clear Just kidding, it's pretty good but I get the feeling it's a grower not a shower. Like oxycanta this one might require some time alone to really appreciate
  10. abasio


    Solar Fields - Magic Eye I record onto my iriver straight out of the mixer. Not figured out how to do it onto the computer yet but I'd like to because for some reason the iriver wont let me record more than 2 hours & 16 minutes. I actually had to cut this mix short to keep it continuous
  11. Check the group of the initial poster & you'll see why he can't answer!
  12. Still really slow I'll keep trying maybe I'll get lucky
  13. Some reserved but re added due to some pretty poor communication
  14. Unfortunately no! There was just the one track. There is a remix by Boom Devil though on Re:evolution III
  15. abasio


    Thanks guys :posford:
  16. I can't download any of your mixes I tried clicking on the link but it wont let me click okay. I tried saving as but it would take 2 days to download a zip file. What am I doing wrong?
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