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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Recently I think Qiujan Ritual To The Light will stay with me a long long time
  2. Not as good with these ones. All still good but only Evan Marc + Steve Hillage - Dreamtime Submersible and Jikkenteki have stayed on heavy rotation the last 8 years.
  3. The only one of these I don't still listen to regularly is the Rena Jones one, and even that got some play time this year. I think my predictions served me well here.
  4. I'm old I'm grumpy I'm a goatrancer. But I'm not a old grumpy goatrancer. I've no complaints with the music. I think there's plenty of excellent stuff being made still, and any lulls don't remove the great music already in my collection. My only gripe is that music is too easy to make these days so every scene is flooded with mounds if shite. There's probably more good stuff released these days then there ever was in the golden age but I'll likely never hear it
  5. Do you want to edit your first post then? Because it still says you'll tell the price by PM.
  6. For me it's Radio Universe>Code Eternity>Life2>360>Lost Eden I truly think Radio Universe is sublime. How bassy are you headphones and/or speakers?
  7. That's cool. We'll still be here when you want to get your chat back on
  8. Nice couple of CDs there. And yes, the Asura album is great isn't it? Have you heard all his stuff?
  9. Well he is a Berk. I have no idea how people can support him so passionately without being pricks themselves.
  10. Well he is a Berk. I have no idea how people can support him so passionately without being pricks themselves.
  11. My work laptop is a hybrid where the keyboard flips round so it's like a really thick cumbersome tablet. Unfortunately the keys don't lock when it flips in to a tablet. Does anybody know how to fix this kind of problem?
  12. I think he got bored of psynews because it was so inactive and the topics that were popular were not to his taste.
  13. Principles of Flight - Nighttime Lullabies Principles of Flight - Chaos Opera
  14. abasio


    The media can be scum. Of course they want something bad to happen so they can report it and sell more papers / get higher ratings.
  15. abasio

    Asura - Code Eternity

    His new stuff though is still jaw dropping. Some really excellent cinematic stuff. Radio Universe was fantastic IMO
  16. abasio


    The US army are beatable abroad, guerilla warfare has proved this, but no one is going to be able to go to the US and win. And not just because of their military might. As stated above the average Joe has enough firepower to compete with some nations' militaries. The slaughter of so many people each year is of no concern to a government that knows it has this nigh unbeatable back line.
  17. That Trump one Not sure if this guy is just not trying to hide anything at all, or if he's just really good at hiding things behind a facade of being open about things we'd expect a politician to hide
  18. Better than 99% of US hip hop that I've heard
  19. Is tits a fetish? I mean everyone's obsessed with tits right? There can be not abnormal amount of desire
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